5 ترتيب تدفق استراتيجيات التداول يجب أن تحاول اليوم.
5 ترتيب تدفق استراتيجيات التداول يجب أن تحاول اليوم.
غالبا ما يسمع المتداولون الجدد البنوك والبنوك. والمؤسسات في الأسواق النشطة على مستويات معينة، بل وسوف نرى في كثير من الأحيان التحركات الضخمة الناجمة عن نشاطهم، ولكن للأسف للأسف غير قادر على قياس حيث هؤلاء اللاعبين يدخلون السوق، وحتى أقل قدرة على قياس كيفية الاستفادة من هذه ثابتة التدفقات النقدية.
نحن في ليتلفيش وضعت مؤشر الذي يتتبع تدفق وحجم البنوك & أمب؛ والمؤسسات في الأسواق وتولد إشارات تتيح الفرصة لمواءمة هذه التدفقات الاتجاهية. كما هو الحال مع جميع المؤشرات العظيمة، المؤشر هو الأكثر ربحية عند استخدامها كجزء من استراتيجية التداول الصلبة التي تسعى إلى تحديد إدخالات السوق المحتملة ومن ثم يستخدم التاجر تدفق النظام كأداة قوية للتأكيد.
قراءة على النحو الذي نذهب أسفل خمس استراتيجيات تدفق تدفق النظام تحتاج إلى محاولة الآن!
1.Order تدفق مع كوت.
مما يجعل المطلق معظم المعلومات المتاحة في السوق، وهذه الاستراتيجية هي وسيلة قوية بشكل لا يصدق للتداول بما يتماشى مع الأسماك الكبيرة في الفوركس. لدينا مؤشر كوت يسحب تلقائيا البيانات من تقرير كوت الأسبوعي لعرض المواقع من المشاركين في السوق الرئيسي مباشرة على الرسوم البيانية الخاصة بك، مما يتيح لك التحيز الاتجاه أوسع من البنوك والمؤسسات. ترتيب تدفق تاجر ثم يتتبع تدفق وحجم نشاطهم لإعطاء إدخالات محددة تمشيا مع التحيز اتجاهها.
حققت أكثر من 39،000 نقطة ربح في 2018 الصفقات تمشيا مع البنوك & أمب؛ المؤسسات الرئيسية واضحة وسهلة القراءة إشارات يستغرق سوى كمية صغيرة من الوقت للتحقق من الرسوم البيانية للإشارات.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، الحصول على الوصول الكامل إلى مؤشرات فكس لدينا لمدة 14 يوما مقابل 10 جنيه استرليني فقط & # 8211؛ اضغط هنا للتحميل الان!
2.Multi الإطار الزمني تدفق النظام.
إستراتيجية تداول قوية بشكل لا يصدق تتطلع للتداول بما يتماشى مع البنوك & أمب؛ المؤسسات الكبرى على نطاق أوسع من ذلك بكثير، وذلك باستخدام إشارات زمنية أطول للإشارات أوفت للإشارة إلى اتجاه التجارة والإشارات المتتالية للإطار الزمني المنخفض أوفت لتأكيد وتنفيذ التجارة في خطر منخفض، وربما الدخول إلى التحركات أكبر بكثير.
تحتاج فقط مؤشر واحد على الرسوم البيانية الخاصة بك يولد أرباحا عالية حقا من خلال مواقف متموجة متعددة الصفقات تمشيا مع البنوك & أمبير؛ المؤسسات الكبرى على المدى الطويل تصيد اتجاهات رائعة.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، الحصول على الوصول الكامل إلى مؤشرات فكس لدينا لمدة 14 يوما مقابل 10 جنيه استرليني فقط & # 8211؛ اضغط هنا للتحميل الان!
3.Treatple التهديد التداول (ترتيب تدفق مع كوت و دبوس بار)
وهناك قليلا من قرص على موقعنا تدفق النظام & أمب؛ استراتيجية كوت، وهذه المرة نأتي الكلاسيكية دبوس بار شمعدان الذي هو لفكس المفضلة، ليكون بمثابة مزيد من التأكيد على دخول التجارة لدينا. وتستهدف هذه الاستراتيجية الثلاثية المستويات، التي تتجه نحو المتداول الأكثر تحفظا، تحديد المدخلات الرئيسية لتحركات السوق الواسعة مع أمن نهج التصفية المتعددة.
أكثر تحفظا، وانخفاض وتيرة التجارة مكاسب الدخول إلى تحركات السوق الكبيرة من إشارات دقيقة حقا يستخدم معلومات السوق والعمل السعر لتوليد إدخالات التجارة مربحة يمكن استخدام لدينا دبوس مؤشر بار لتسليط الضوء تلقائيا دبوس القضبان وتخصيص المعلمات الخاصة بهم.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، الحصول على الوصول الكامل إلى مؤشرات فكس لدينا لمدة 14 يوما مقابل 10 جنيه استرليني فقط & # 8211؛ اضغط هنا للتحميل الان!
4.Order تدفق مع مؤشر القوة النسبية.
الجمع بين أفضل من القديم والجديد، وهذا قوية استراتيجية التداول البديل هو بشكل لا يصدق إلى الأمام وسهلة لمتابعة ويستخدم رسي الاختلاف جنبا إلى جنب مع إطار زمني متعدد تأكيد أوفت لتسليط الضوء على الصفقات رائعة. سوف التجار وقت أعلى يحبون بساطة وفعالية هذه الطريقة.
تماما يعزز فعالية رسي الاختلاف يعمل قبالة يوميا & أمبير؛ والأطر الزمنية H4 وحتى الكثير من الوقت لمراقبة الاجهزة. يمكن استخدامها على إطارات زمنية أقل جدا. يعطي إدخالات ضيقة حقا في نقاط انعكاس كبيرة استراتيجية بسيطة حقا مع عملية سهلة لتعلم.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، الحصول على الوصول الكامل إلى مؤشرات فكس لدينا لمدة 14 يوما مقابل 10 جنيه استرليني فقط & # 8211؛ اضغط هنا للتحميل الان!
5.Order تدفق مع أنماط الرسم البياني.
استراتيجية فعالة للغاية تعليم التاجر كيفية قراءة هيكل السوق واستخدام أوفت لتأكيد التحركات بما يتماشى مع أنماط السوق التاريخية خلق فرص تجارية قوية مع البساطة والسهولة.
طريقة بسيطة وموثوق بها يعمل على جميع الأطر تحتاج فقط التحليل الأساسي + أوفت أوفت هو أداة عظيمة لتصفية الكاذب كاذبة والتحركات الكاذبة التي هي القضايا التقليدية مع الحرف نمط.
لذلك هناك لديك. خمسة من أفضل استراتيجيات التداول تدفق النظام بالنسبة لك لتعلم والبدء في استخدام. تأكد من الاطلاع على دورة تداول الفوركس التي تحتوي على فصول كاملة عن تداول تدفق الطلب وكذلك استراتيجيات التداول التفصيلية وخطط التداول الكاملة مع مواد الفيديو.
& # 8212؛ تعلم واكتشاف المزيد مع دورة تداول الفوركس. لمعرفة المزيد أو شراء الدورة التدريبية، انقر هنا & # 8212؛
& # 8212؛ استخدم رمز الخصم & # 8220؛ لفكسورسج & # 8221؛ للحصول على 50 £ قبالة! & # 8212؛
شارك هذا:
لفكس تنبيهات اليوم.
مقالات التعليم.
تاريخ ليتلفيش فكس العيش مع جولة على مدار الساعة التاجر!
الاستماع إلى ليتلفيش فكس على اثنين بلوكيس تجارة بودكاست!
دعم التداول: فرصة تداول رأسمالنا & # 8230؛
5 ترتيب تدفق استراتيجيات التداول يجب أن تحاول اليوم.
اتجاه التداول مع ماسد & # 038؛ ترتيب التدفق: ميتاستوك ويبينار.
قراءة المقال التالي.
موجز للعمل على الدورة الأوروبية ونظرة إلى الأمام على المستويات والأحداث الرئيسية في نيويورك مفتوحة.
قراءة المقال السابق.
توفر رؤى المؤسسات للمشتركين لدينا الوصول إلى قسط البحوث المؤسسية، وإعطاء نظرة ثاقبة على المواقع المؤسسية ووجهات النظر حول تحركات السوق.
& كوت؛ كيف "دورة تدفق إتقان النظام" سوف تغيير التداول الخاص بك إلى الأبد - من خلال تعليمك المبادئ العالمية للتضارب والأسرار التجارية من جيسي ليفرمور، جورج سوروس وبول تودور جونز & كوت؛
مدهش قوي & أمب؛ بانسفيتلي إنسانيلي.
ترتيب التدفق، السيولة، التقلب، وقف الصيد، حواجز الخيار، أخبار، تدفق المعلومات، التوقعات، تحليل السيناريو، معنويات السوق، تحديد المواقع في السوق، حساسية السوق والاستراتيجيات الكلية العالمية.
بعد آلاف الساعات، الآلاف من الكلمات من المواد تركت على الطابق غرفة القطع، نكسات لا حصر لها وخطأ وما يقرب من عامين في وقت لاحق، ودورة إتقانها هو في النهاية كاملة. بلدي الدافع لمساعدتك لا يتزعزع.
هناك أشياء معينة في الحياة تستحق القتال. وفي رأيي، إتقان المهارات تدفق النظام، عادات السوق المناسبة، والمبادئ العالمية للمضاربة، ومعرفة أوجه القصور دائمة وقابلة للتطوير من الأسواق التي سوف موجودة دائما بغض النظر عن ما يحدث. الآن تلك، يا صديقي، هي أشياء تستحق القتال من أجل.
ولكن لن تضطر إلى القيام بأي قتال. لقد فعلت كل القتال بالنسبة لك. كل البحوث المضنية تنتشر عبر سنوات عديدة، فضلا عن ساعات شاقة من شرح إتقان التداول لك بعبارات بسيطة، وقد تم كل ذلك بالفعل.
استغرق الأمر ما لا يقل عن سبع سنوات لجمع كل الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات والمخططات، وما إلى ذلك في هذا النظام تدفق دورة إتقانها. ويمكن أن يأخذ الناس الآخرين 20 أو 30 عاما أو أكثر لتطوير هذه التقنيات. لقد رأيت أشخاص آخرين يقضون حياتهم كلها ولا يعرفون عن الاستراتيجيات المدرجة في دورة إتقانها.
لم يكن لديك لنفايات عقود من حياتك إلى الشكل كل هذا الاشياء خارج.
واحدة من أعمق المخاوف كنت قد ذهبت من خلال رحلة التداول هو أنني سوف تنفق سنوات أو عقود في محاولة لمعرفة كل شيء من ثم ليس لديهم أي شيء لتظهر لذلك. شخصيا، أضعت سنوات من حياتي وآلاف الساعات الهروب من سباق الفئران من المؤشرات الفنية وأنماط الرسم البياني.
لم يكن لديك لتسوية لمدة 10 أو 20 عاما من محاولة لمعرفة الأسواق.
لم يكن لديك لتسوية لمدة 10 عاما من التعادل أو فقدان المال في الأسواق.
لم يكن لديك للاستماع إلى أصوات هناك التي هي المزعجة باستمرار لك أن تأخذ أو عصا مع "آمنة ومأمونة، وظيفة مع فوائد جيدة" ونسيان أحلام التداول الخاصة بك. لم يكن لديك للاستماع إلى هؤلاء نيسايرس.
لم يكن لديك لقضاء حياتك كلها في محاولة للقضاء على رمز النظام تدفق، وتجارة الأخبار، وتفسير تدفق المعلومات والتداول الكلي العالمي.
يمكنك تحويل نفسك إلى تاجر تدفق النظام. لم يكن لديك لانتظار سنوات و "العمل طريقك حتى" من خلال صفوف بعض البنوك أو شركة أخرى. يمكنك ليبفروج أكثر من أشخاص آخرين. بالنسبة لبعض الأشخاص، قد يستغرق الأمر 10 أو 20 سنة أو أكثر لإكمال عملية التحويل. مع دورة إتقان تدفق النظام، يمكنك تحويل نفسك هذا العام.
لم يكن لديك لمعرفة ذلك وحدها. يمكنك الحصول على الحل لمشاكل التداول الخاصة بك. يمكنك الحصول على كل شيء الآن.
الشيء الوحيد المتبقي بالنسبة لك القيام به بعد شراء دورة إتقان هو القراءة والعمل (نعم العمل!)، وتنفيذ الاستراتيجيات.
تعلمت منذ فترة طويلة، عندما يكون لديك في يديك أفضل استراتيجيات التداول، لا تترك لهم على الرف لجمع الغبار والقيام بأي شيء معهم. أفضل استراتيجيات التداول تستحق الحصول على تنفيذها. أنها تستحق أن تكون منفذة بشكل جيد بحيث يمكنك استخراج الربح من السوق ووضع تلك الأموال في حساب التداول الخاص بك. حتى ذلك الحين يمكنك الذهاب كتابة أرقام كبيرة على قسائم الودائع المصرفية الخاصة بك.
تماما مثل عندما كنت تتداول بشكل جيد للغاية و هي في وئام مع الأسواق و هو مجموع الصخور و لفة، كنت فقط لا تتوقف و أخذ قسط من الراحة. أنت لا تأخذ يوم عطلة أو الذهاب في عطلة. إذا كنت تتداول في المنطقة، يمكنك الحصول على ما يصل كل يوم والحفاظ على التداول، مما يضاعف الفائزين والأرباح.
شكرا لكم على التحول.
يجب أن أشكركم على إعطائي العاطفة لإنهاء هذه الدورة إتقانها. أثناء كتابته اكتشفت الكثير من الأشياء الجديدة عن السوق التي حسنت التداول الخاصة بي وجعلت الدورة أكثر من ذلك بكثير فريدة من نوعها. اعتقدت أنني تعلمت كل شيء كان هناك لمعرفة المزيد عن التداول. ولكن ثبت أنني خاطئة. لقد حولت نفسي وتداول بلدي أثناء تطوير الدورة. وإذا كنت قادرا على تحويل نفسي في فعل كتابة المواد، وأنا متأكد تقريبا أن دورة إتقانها سوف يحول لك كذلك.
وأنا أعلم أنك قد تقرأ الكثير من كتب التداول، الذهاب إلى الكثير من الندوات، سماع الكثير من المتحدثين في المعرض التجاري. ومع ذلك، أنا ضمان صريح كنت قد أبدا أبدا يديك على أي شيء تماما كما قوية وعملية كما أمر تدفق دورة إتقانها.
أعتذر لأخذ وقتا طويلا لاطلاق سراح كل هذه المعلومات القوية، والكثير منها لم يكشف عنها من قبل. والحقيقة هي أنني أبقت على هذه المعلومات من العالم لفترة طويلة جدا. كان بإمكاني أن أفرج عن هذه المعلومات قبل سنوات، لكنني كنت أخشى. كنت أخشى أنه من خلال الإفراج عن المعلومات، وسائر الناس سرقة السيولة بلدي وتقليل أرباحي. بعد كل شيء، كنت قد قضيت آلاف الساعات البحث والتطوير وصقل الأساليب، وما إلى ذلك لم أكن أريد أي شخص آخر لسرقة السيولة.
حتى لقد عانيت من الحد من المعتقدات السوق كاذبة التي كنت بحاجة إلى تصحيح على مر السنين.
ولكن بعد رؤية استراتيجيات التداول تعمل باستمرار لسنوات، لاحظت أنني كنت الاستفادة من أوجه القصور في السوق التي كانت دائمة وقابلة للتطوير. استراتيجيات التداول ليست خدعة واحدة المهر مثل بعض هوت الفوركس روبوت التي عملت لبضعة أسابيع. عقلية واستراتيجيات التداول عملت دائما، إذا كنت على استعداد للعمل في النظام.
هذا عندما اكتشفت أنه لا يمكن لأحد أن يسرق سيولتي.
ثم حررت نفسي من كل القلق من إبقائها سرية كل هذه السنوات.
أنا حررت نفسي أن أشارك كل شيء كنت أعرف عن السوق. وفي هذه العملية، فقد اتخذت التداول لي إلى مستوى جديد كليا. ولهذا أشكركم.
والسبب في ذلك استغرق مني ما يقرب من 2 سنوات وآلاف من ساعات لخلق، لأنني أردت أن حصة الحكمة التداول الخالدة والمبادئ والاستراتيجيات التي سوف تستمر مدى الحياة. الاستراتيجيات التي يمكنك استخدامها لإنشاء نظام التداول الذي يلتقط كل من أوجه القصور الدائمة والقابلة للتطوير في الأسواق المالية.
على الرغم من أنني لم أكن على قيد الحياة في أوائل عام 1900، وأنا واثق جدا من أن استراتيجيات التداول في دورة إتقان قد عملت بشكل رائع خلال أوائل القرن 20th، سواء كان عام 1905، أو عام 1929، وما إلى ذلك، وتسمى المبادئ العالمية للمضاربة لسبب ما.
وبالمثل، فإن استراتيجيات ومبادئ التداول قد عملت في عام 1950 أو 1970، الخ.
وبالمثل، فإنها أيضا تعمل بشكل رائع اليوم، في لحظة تجارة الحالية والبيئة.
كان هذا هدفي مع دورة إتقانها. ليعلمك كل من النظرية والعقلية والأساليب التي من شأنها أن تسمح لك للتجارة مربحة للغاية، بغض النظر عما إذا كانت السنة 1905، 1929، 1955، 1978، 1985، 1992، 2000، أو في السنة الحالية. في النهاية أعتقد أنني قد حققت ذلك.
إذا كنت تأتي هنا لتفكير السوق الضحلة أو التداول مديوكريتي، ثم توقف القراءة الآن.
ما هو مدرج في دورة تدفق إتقان النظام؟
وتشمل بعض الموضوعات المشمولة.
وقف الصيد والحواجز الخيار.
أنا يأخذك من خلال التفاصيل حول تطور عدم كفاءة تدفق النظام التي استغلتها طوال حياتي التجارية. سوف تتعلم عن كل التكتيكات وقف الصيد وخيار الحاجز استخدمته عندما بدأت لأول مرة وكيف صقل لهم على مر السنين. وهناك بالتأكيد أكثر بكثير من الصقل لهم التي يمكن القيام به. تحقيق وقف الصيد وخيار الحاجز عقلية إتقان لا يمكن أن يتم إلا عن طريق قراءة بعض المواضيع المنتدى حول توقف والحواجز. هناك مستوى أعلى بكثير يمكنك أن تأخذ منهم من موجود على منتديات الإنترنت.
التالي أنا يأخذك في رحلة استغلال النقص في تجارة الأخبار في الفوركس والأسواق المالية. كان هنا أنني حصلت على أول استراحة كبيرة في التداول. قطعت أسناني في تجارة الأخبار، وأعطتني أول نجاحات كبيرة في وقت مبكر.
لم أر أي شخص يصف الفوركس تداول الأخبار الطريقة أنا تعليمه.
من جميع الكتب التي قرأتها والمقالات قرأت، وما إلى ذلك، لم أجد شخص واحد أن يعلم الفوركس تداول الأخبار بطريقة منظم للغاية أن أدرسه.
أسميها الكتاب المقدس من أخبار الفوركس التداول لسبب ما.
هو المصدر الرسمي على الانخراط بنجاح في تداول الفوركس الأخبار، سواء كنت فعلت ذلك مرة أخرى في عام 1985، أو عام 1995، أو عام 2005، أو في الوقت الحاضر.
لا شيء مثل ذلك من أي وقت مضى تم تدريسها، ولن يتم الكشف عنها أبدا خارج هذا النظام تدفق دورة إتقانها.
في الكتاب المقدس من الفوركس أخبار التداول أنا تكشف بلدي السلاح السري أقوى التي استخدمتها منذ بلدي أيام تدفق النظام في وقت مبكر.
كنت محظوظا بما فيه الكفاية لتطوير هذه التقنية في وقت مبكر في بلدي رحلة التداول تدفق النظام. استغرق هذا المصاصة قليلا آلاف الساعات لتطوير والآلاف من ساعات أكثر إلى قرص والكمال. لكنها الآن جاهزة للتمتع الخاص بك والربح.
أنا وضعت هذا من الصفر وأبقى هذا سرا من الجميع لسنوات وسنوات.
هذا هو الشيء الذي أبقى سرا لمدة 5 سنوات على الأقل. لم يكشف أبدا هذه التقنية. لقد كان لي حراسة شديدة السرية وأبقى مخبأة حتى من أفراد الأسرة المقربين. لا لأخوتي، وليس إلى بلدي كبيرة أخرى. ظللت مخفية. أردت التأكد من عدم تمكن أحد من سرقة السيولة. ولكن الآن، لأول مرة في تاريخ العالم، وأنا تكشف عن ذلك لك، هذه التقنية. هذا هو قوي. أعترف، أنه ينطوي على بعض العمل لمعرفة وتنفيذها بشكل صحيح. ولكن بمجرد أن يتقن، فإنه يستحق عشرات الآلاف ومئات الآلاف من الدولارات.
مع هذه التقنية، وأنا أعلم أنني يمكن أن يكون دائما حافة طويلة الأمد في السوق.
أنا أعتبر ذلك بلدي "جوهرة التاج" طريقة التداول والفلسفة. انها مجرد أن قوية.
أذهب إلى حد القول إن دون هذا السلاح السري، ربما فشلت في التداول واستمرت بالفشل. مع هذا السلاح السري، ثم فمن الممكن لأداء قرب المعجزات في السوق. هذا هو جيد. واحدة من الإنجازات بلدي التتويج.
إذا كنت تريد من أي وقت مضى لتحقيق ميداس اللمس مع تداول الأخبار، لديك للحصول على يديك على الكتاب المقدس من الفوركس أخبار التداول.
تجارة ماكرو العالمية.
ثم في نهاية المطاف هناك قسم تجارة ماكرو العالمية. هذا هو واحد من أعلى نقطة من رحلة تدفق النظام.
هناك الكثير من الناس هناك الذين يعتقدون أن التداول تدفق النظام هو مجرد قراءة الشريط، أو يحدق في مستوى 2 الشاشة أو عمق السوق، أو مشاهدة الوقت والمبيعات. هذا هو مجرد صغيرة، وشظية صغيرة من ما هو تداول تدفق النظام هو حقا.
معظم الناس لا يعرفون هذا، ولكن جيسي ليفرمور كان في الواقع تاجر ماكرو. معظم الناس يعتقدون انه مجرد قارئ الشريط أو تاجر اليوم أو المستغل. هذا ليس صحيحا. وكان ذلك جزءا من استراتيجية التداول له عندما بدأ لأول مرة، لكنه سرعان ما تطورت. تحول نفسه.
بدأ جيسي ليفرمور كقارئ شريط، لكنه بالتأكيد لم يبقى قارئ الشريط. وقال انه في نهاية المطاف علمت والاستفادة القصوى من أمواله من ما يسمى الآن تجارة ماكرو العالمية. بدأ استخدام النموذج الكلي للتداول. هذا هو كيف جعل معظم ثروته.
وكان أكبر انقلاب ليفرمور خلال تحطم عام 1929. بعد أن انتهت ليفرمور تقصير السوق في عام 1929، وحسابات التداول له ما يقرب من 100 مليون $ في الأسهم. وكان ذلك في 1929 دولار. وبدولار اليوم الذي سيكون حوالي 1 مليار دولار. وكان ليفرمور قد حقق مثل هذه الثروة الضخمة قبل ستة عقود من كسر سوروس بنك إنجلترا. لماذا على الرغم من؟ لأن ليفرمور فهم التحليل الكلي.
لسوء الحظ، كان ليفرمور تعاني من الشياطين الشخصية. طوال حياته انه أفلس طريقة كثيرة جدا. وقد رهن مجوهرات زوجته من أجل الحصول على حصة تجارية مرة أخرى. وفي النهاية، استسلم إلى "الكلب الأسود" من الاكتئاب وأخذ مأساوية حياته. إذا عرف ليفرمور فقط من بعض الاستراتيجيات في دورة ماستيرسي حول إدارة الأموال الرئيسية، موقف التحجيم وعناصر علم النفس.
بول تودور جونز هو تاجر ماكرو آخر. كما حقق ثروة من 80 إلى 100 مليون دولار في انهيار سوق الأسهم عام 1987. لماذا على الرغم من؟ لأنه فهم مفاهيم السوق مثل السيولة، والتقلب، وتحديد المواقع، ماكرو، الخ.
وهذا هو السبب في المسائل الكلية. قضايا الماكرو العالمية.
دورة إتقان يعلمك كيفية الوصول والتجارة والازدهار في تتويجا لدورة تاجر تدفق النظام - التداول الكلي العالمي. تقنية أن بعض من أفضل التجار قد استخدمت مثل جورج سوروس، بول تودور جونز، ستانلي دروكنميلر، بروس كوفنر.
تعلم أن تتحرر من أسطورة أنه من أجل القيام التداول الكلي العالمي، تحتاج إلى معرفة كل التفاصيل الصغيرة قليلا عن بلد أو الأسهم. لا شيء يمكن أن يكون أبعد عن الحقيقة. أنا يعلمك كيفية التعرف على العناصر الرئيسية في السوق التي تهم في الواقع. وهناك الكثير من التداول حول تحديد العناصر الرئيسية التي تهم المستقبل القريب.
وكما قال بول تودور جونز مرة واحدة:
& كوت؛ أنا أحب الماكرو التداول. إذا كان التداول مثل الشطرنج، ثم الماكرو هو مثل الشطرنج ثلاثي الأبعاد. فمن الصعب فقط العثور على التاجر الكلي الكبير. عند تداول ماكرو، لن يكون لديك أبدا مجموعة معلومات كاملة أو حافة معلومات بالطريقة التي يمكن للمحللين الحصول عليها عند تداول الأوراق المالية الفردية. & كوت؛
لا أستطيع أن أقول أن التداول تدفق النظام هو الكمال ولها الفخاخ الصفر أو سباقات الفئران. هناك العديد من الفخاخ التي يمكن أن تقع في. الجميع يفسر الأمور بشكل مختلف.
تماما مثل بعض التجار تقع في المؤشر الفني أو الرسم البياني نمط سباق الفئران، وهناك بعض التجار تدفق النظام التي تدخل ما أسميه وقف الصيد وخيار فقاعة الحاجز. لديهم رؤية النفق حيث الشيء الوحيد الذي يفكرون هو توقف والحواجز الخيار. كنت عالقة في تلك الفقاعة لعدة أشهر، وكان يبحث يائسة عن طريق للهروب. كنت أبحث عن الضوء في نهاية النفق.
حسنا، تجارة ماكرو العالمية يقدم لك الطريق الأنيق للخروج من التوقف عن الصيد وخيار حاجز فقاعة.
رمي الكتب الاقتصادية الخاصة بك في القمامة - إدخال الاقتصاد تدفق النظام.
كيف تريد أن تتعلم الاقتصاد والماكرو العالمي - من منظور تدفق النظام؟
هل تريد التخلص من الكتب المدرسية الاقتصادية؟ نسيان جميع الاقتصاديين يتحدثون على شاشة التلفزيون؟
يمكنك التخلص من كل منهم. أنت لا تحتاج إلى أي منهم. وربما يضيفون إلى الارتباك الخاص بك.
من أجل النجاح تحتاج إلى معرفة ما أسميه "الاقتصاد تدفق النظام".
أنا يعلمك المبادئ الاقتصادية والتجارية التي تهم في الواقع. لم يكن لديك لمعرفة كل شيء. لم يكن لديك لمعرفة كل المفاهيم في كتاب اقتصادي من أجل النجاح في التداول. سوف يفاجأ أن يعرف كيف قليلا بعض كبار التجار يعرفون عن المبادئ الاقتصادية الأكاديمية.
هذا هو الشيء الرائع حول التداول. لم يكن لديك لمعرفة كل شيء وحتى الآن لا يزال بإمكانك أن تكون ناجحة وجعل الكثير من المال كما تريد. إذا كنت تستطيع معرفة وفهم وتنفيذ المعلومات التي تهمك. يمكنك التركيز مثل الليزر على المعلومات التي تهم وتجاهل كل شيء آخر.
دائمة وقابلة للتطوير أوجه القصور.
واحدة من أسرار أنا تعليم في دورة تدفق إتقانها هو أن كنت ترغب في الاستفادة من دائمة وقابلة للتداول أوجه القصور في السوق.
لقد تحدثت مع التجار الذين هم حقيقية ولها مفاهيم جيدة لبناء أنظمة التداول حولها. ومع ذلك، فإنها تنفق الكثير من الوقت في محاولة للاستفادة من أوجه القصور في التداول التي قد لا تكون حولها في غضون أشهر قليلة أو في السنة. ويمكنهم أن يستيقظوا يوما واحدا في غضون أشهر قليلة أو في السنة وأن يشاهدوا كل عملهم الشاق على نظامهم التجاري لا شيء لأنهم ركزوا على الاستفادة من أوجه القصور في التداول التي لم تكن دائمة.
هذا هو السبب في واحد من المبادئ التجارية بلدي منذ منذ أيام النظام تدفق بلدي في وقت مبكر للتأكد من أنني كنت تعلم عن، وتنفيذ مبادئ، وتصميم أنظمة حول مفاهيم التداول التي كنت أعرف كانت دائمة وقابلة للتطوير.
أنا لا يعلمك فقط التقنيات التي سوف تتوقف عن العمل بعد بضعة آلاف من الناس الحصول على أيديهم على دورة إتقانها.
مع دورة تدفق إتقان النظام، وأنا أدرس أوجه القصور في التداول التي كانت موجودة دائما، والتي لديها احتمال كبير جدا من الموجودة في المستقبل. هذه التقنيات التجارية ليست مجرد تختفي. إنهم يعانون من أوجه القصور الدائمة والقابلة للتطوير التي يمكنك الاستفادة منها أثناء نمو حسابك، إذا كنت على استعداد للقيام بالعمل لالتقاطها.
سوف تتعلم مرة واحدة وإلى الأبد أوجه القصور في الأسواق التي هي دائمة وقابلة للتطوير. أوجه القصور التي لا يمكن أبدا أن تؤخذ بعيدا عنك. أوجه القصور التي يمكنك الاستفادة من بقية حياتك. أوجه القصور التي يمكنك الاستفادة من حسابك كما ينمو وينمو وكما يمكنك وضع أوامر أكبر.
أدرس في مسار إتقان تدفق النظام أن أكبر التجار على كوكب الأرض لا تستمد أرباحها من عدم الكفاءة غير دائم وغير قابلة للتطوير. أعظم التجار يعرفون كيفية استغلال أوجه القصور التي سوف توجد إلى أجل غير مسمى في المستقبل والتي هي قابلة للتطوير.
ولم يستغل أكبر التجار في العالم معظم أموالهم من أوجه القصور غير الدائمة. كل الأخبار ارتفاع التداول، الفوركس وسيط التحكيم، والروبوتات الفوركس، وما إلى ذلك أنها لم تستخدم أي من ذلك. يميل معظم التجار إلى جعل معظم أموالهم من أوجه القصور الدائمة وقابلة للتطوير. أنا يعلمك أوجه القصور الدائمة وقابلة للتطوير في الأسواق المالية.
هذه هي أوجه القصور التي لم تجدها الحواسيب الفائقة في غولدمان ساكس حتى الآن. وهي أوجه القصور التي لا تستطيع خوارزميات الحواسيب الفائقة والخوارزميات العالية التردد (هفت) التعرف عليها في السوق.
قراءة بين خطوط.
كل من كبار التجار في الماضي مثل جيسي ليفرمور، جورج سوروس وبول تودور جونز كان لديهم قدرة مذهلة على "قراءة بين السطور" في الأخبار وتدفق المعلومات ومعرفة ما هو مهم.
وقد طوروا المهارات اللازمة لإقامة الاتصالات الحرجة ومعرفة كيفية تطبيقها على التداول وهيكل الصفقات الكبرى.
أنت أيضا يمكن أن يكون هذه القدرة.
طوال دورة إتقان أنا إرشادك من خلال عملية اكتساب القدرة مذهلة للقراءة بين السطور. مرة واحدة كنت قد وضعت في العمل لتطوير هذه المهارة، ثم لا أحد يمكن أن تأخذ بعيدا عنك. هل يمكن أن يكون هذه المهارة للحياة.
شرحت تقنيات جورج سوروس التجارية وكأنك لم يسبق له مثيل من قبل.
نظريات جورج سوروس حول السوق أوضح أخيرا! إذا كنت من أي وقت مضى قراءة الخيمياء المالية، وانت تعرف الكتاب ليس أسهل للقراءة أو فهم كيفية تطبيقه على التداول. فمن الصعب جدا القراءة. وقال ستانلي دروكنميلر، حتى سوروس، انه "وجد الفصل الاول غير قابل للقراءة".
حسنا انتهى الارتباك أخيرا.
دورة إتقان يكسر التداول وصولا الى المبادئ الأساسية للمضاربة ويظهر لك كيفية تطبيق فلسفة جورج سوروس التداول. سوف تتعلم ما أوجه القصور يستغل سوروس، ولكن أيضا الأهم من ذلك، ما أوجه القصور انه يختار لا لاستغلال.
صحيح. ويختار سوروس عدم استغلال بعض أوجه القصور في الأسواق المالية.
في الواقع، في دورة إتقانها، سترى أن سوروس حتى اعترف انه ليس جيدا في التقاط بعض أوجه القصور!
يمكنك الاستفادة من أوجه القصور التي حتى الرجل الذي كسر بنك انكلترا ليست جيدة في التقاط.
ثم تكشف عن سر قليلا القذرة أن جورج سوروس يعرف عن. إذا كان سوروس لا يعرف عن هذا السر، ثم انه قد فشلت كالتاجر ومدير صندوق التحوط. لحسن الحظ كان يعرف هذا السر لنجاح التداول. يجب أن نرى!
أنا أيضا كشف لماذا جورج سوروس لا يمكن كسر البنك المركزي كلما يريد. إذا كنت تفهم هذا الدرس في دورة إتقانها، ثم سيتم نفي مخاوفك حول التلاعب في السوق ونظريات المؤامرة إلى الأبد.
مع دورة إتقانها، يمكنك الحصول على كل هذه الأشياء على الموقع.
1. 3 ساعات من التدريب الفيديو.
2. 701،989 + كلمات مكتوبة من النظام تدفق الحكمة.
3. أكثر من 400 + الرسوم البيانية التي تغطي مجموعة متنوعة من المواضيع بما في ذلك توقف، والحواجز الخيار، الماكرو العالمي.
4. 7 أشهر على الأقل من الأخبار التاريخية المسجلة لسوق الفوركس.
5. المخططات والعادات والاستراتيجيات والتقنيات التي يمكنك وضعها للاستخدام في غضون أيام من قراءة دروس إتقان.
6. المبادئ العالمية للتجارة التي عملت بشكل استثنائي جيدا 100 سنة، وما زالت هي أهم المفاهيم التجارية لحظة التداول الحالية. هذه المبادئ يمكن أن تجعل المال في أعلى أو أسفل، أو جانبية الأسواق.
لذلك، هل تجد قيمة في معرفة.
الأساسات الصلبة الصخور التجارية التي تؤدي إلى حواف التداول بيج التي يمكن أن تستمر مدى الحياة. كيف لا يكون فقط قبل 99٪ من التجار "العاديين" الآخرين، ولكن أيضا أن يكون قبل 99٪ من التجار تدفق النظام الأخرى كذلك! ليس كل التجار تدفق النظام يعرفون عن التكتيكات في هذه الدورة إتقانها. تقنيات التداول والمبادئ والأسس التي تعمل للعملات والسلع والعقود الآجلة والأسهم وغيرها. ما يركز عليه أكبر التجار على مقابل ما يركز عليه التجار الصاعدون. سوف تكون قادرا على رؤية الاختلافات الكبيرة في التفكير والعمل بين الاثنين. ثم سوف تكون قادرة على التركيز على ما يركز على التجار كبيرة والقيام به. وكانت أفضل الصفقات في التاريخ وتلك في المستقبل، وسيكون لها هذين الأمرين لصالحهم. كيف تكون على درجة الماجستير في تفسير تدفق المعلومات.
في كل من تجاربي الخبرات، وضرب لي أن هناك "الفن المفقود" هناك. هذا هو فن تدفق النظام، تدفق المعلومات والتداول الكلي العالمي. يمكنك البدء في التحول بدءا من اليوم.
أنا لا أدرس تداول تدفق النظام في بعض الطريق المعقدة. هناك بعض الناس الذين يستخدمون الكلمات الهوى وأنت تكافح من أجل فهمها. إذا كنت من أي وقت مضى قراءة بعض الكتب على قائمة الموصى بها مثل الخيمياء المالية أو غيرها، فإنها يمكن أن يكون من الصعب حقا أن نفهم. هذا هو السبب في أنني وضعت دورة إتقان تدفق النظام في لغة بسيطة كما أنه من الممكن عمليا لتعليم لعبة مربحة من التداول.
يمكنك أن تكون ظاهرة إحصائية.
كنت قد سمعت كل الحق؟ حول كيفية فشل 95٪ من جميع التجار. حول كيفية توقع متوسط التاجر لتفجير بعض الحسابات. حول كيف من المتوقع أن يستمر متوسط التجار بضعة أشهر فقط. إلخ.
نسيان كل هذه الإحصاءات.
في حين أن أقول أن الإحصاءات صحيحة، كما لو كان هناك 5 ملايين شخص يحاولون تعلم التداول في سنة واحدة، وليس كل منهم يمكن أن تنجح. ولا يمكن للعالم أن يخرج 5 ملايين تاجر جديد كل عام. إنه مستحيل. لا يستطيعون جميعا كسب المال. وفي حين أن هذه الإحصاءات قد تبدو قاتمة، هناك أمل.
يمكنك أن تكون ظاهريا إحصائية.
إذا كان لديك دورة إتقان تدفق الطلب.
منجم الذهب الذي يحدث كل يوم تداول واحد.
وقال جيسي ليفرمور مرة واحدة:
& كوت؛ فهمت تماما ذلك. والسوق هو أكبر منجم للذهب في العالم. منجم ذهب يفتح أبوابه كل يوم، ويدعو أي وجميع الناس في لعمق أعماقها وترك مع عربات اليد كاملة من القضبان الذهبية، إذا استطاعوا. منجم الذهب هناك كل الحق، وأعتقد أن شخص كل يوم يلمع أعماقها وعندما يرن جرس في نهاية اليوم أنها ذهبت من بوبير إلى الأمير، أو من الأمير إلى بوتنتات العليا. أو حطم. وانها دائما هناك، والانتظار. & كوت؛
أنت أيضا يمكن الاستفادة من منجم الذهب التي توجد كل يوم في الأسواق المالية. إذا كان لديك العقلية الصحيحة، مخططات، تمارين، استراتيجيات، تقنيات.
هذا بالطبع تدفق دورة إتقان هو أقرب ما يمكن كما سبق لي أن تأتي إلى الكأس المقدسة من التداول. وأنا على استعداد لتقاسم كل شيء معك.
آخر الماضي الجبهات.
يقولون إن الفضاء هو الحدود الجديدة. يقولون أن ألاسكا هي آخر الحدود.
وقال بول تودور جونز مرة واحدة أن التداول هو:
& كوت؛ آخر الحدود العظيمة. ذهبت إلى هناك مع أي شيء. يمكنك الذهاب إلى هناك مع أي شيء وتفعل ما تريد القيام به. & كوت؛
أود أن أقول فقط أن لا تحاول أن تكون تاجر ناجح مع أي شيء لمساعدتك. لا تتعامل مع آخر الحدود العظيمة بدءا من لا شيء. تعلم التداول مع دورة تدفق إتقان النظام ويمكنك أن تفعل ما تريد القيام به.
مع أسس السوق والمبادئ والاستراتيجيات والعقلية في هذه الدورة إتقان، يمكنك الذهاب أينما يريد قلبك. إذا كنت ترغب في توليد الدخل فقط من حساب صغير، أو ما إذا كنت ترغب في تحويل حساب صغير إلى واحد كبير، أو ما إذا كنت ترغب في الانضمام إلى الطبقة العليا من التجار وتشغيل صندوق التحوط. أي شيء ممكن مع العمل الشاق، والعمل الذكي، والوصول إلى المعلومات الصحيحة التي تحتاج إليها.
أخذ كل ما عندي من المال، المؤشرات الفنية بلدي، أنماط الرسم البياني بلدي، بلدي محطة بلومبرغ، ولكن ترك لي نسخة من دورة تدفق إتقان بالطبع، وأنا سوف تحصل على كل المال مرة أخرى في أمر قصير.
دورات التداول مثل هذا لا تأتي في كثير من الأحيان. لم أر أي شيء من هذا القبيل في مهنتي التجارية بأكملها.
لم أكن قد واجهت أي شيء يفسر مبادئ المضاربة كما أوضحت لهم في دورة إتقانها.
لا شيء حتى على مقربة قريبة من دورة تدفق إتقانها من أي وقت مضى تمكنت من العثور على طريقها إلى العالم.
واحدة من أكبر الدورات على المضاربة التي تم إنشاؤها من أي وقت مضى.
هذا النوع من المعلومات قد تأتي فقط في جميع أنحاء مرة واحدة في 100 سنة، لذلك فكرة جيدة للاستيلاء عليها في حين أن لديك الفرصة.
هذا هو دورة التداول الأسطوري. قد تحدث فقط عن لسنوات في المستقبل. لكنها لن تكون متاحة إلى الأبد. الحصول عليها في حين لا يزال يمكن.
لأول مرة في التاريخ، وقد تصدع رمز حول كيفية جيسي ليفرمور، جورج سوروس، وتجارة بول تودور جونز.
وهناك قرار واحد - لاختيار لتطوير معتقدات السوق واستراتيجيات التداول المحيطة بأسس كل سوق - أشياء مثل تدفق النظام، والسيولة، والتقلبات، والتوقعات، والسيناريوهات، الكلي الكلي، وما إلى ذلك - يمكن أن تغير مسار الحياة.
أنا أتحدث إلى بعض الناس الذين حضروا المعارض التجارية تخبرني عن المنتج الجديد الساخن اشتروا. هذا الشيء لامعة التي تم شراؤها. حول مؤشر الفودو السحري اشتروا أنهم يعتقدون أن يؤدي بهم إلى أرض وعد الحرية المالية. كل شيء هو B. S.
I know there is an explosion of technology happening, but going down the path of more computerization of trading signals is not the only path you have to take. You DON'T have to become a quant geek.
There is a great alternative.
Paul Tudor Jones once said that he prefers to trade the "old-fashioned way."
Which is why I say it's not time for technical indicator mastery. It's not time for chart pattern mastery. It is time for Order Flow Mastery.
You don't need talent with this mastery course. With enough desire to learn and armed with the right information and market insights and strategies , you too can become a successful trader.
The Mastery Course is in Digital Form. It is all ONLINE. You become a member with a one time fee and gain access to all the Mastery Course Contents Online.
This course is 3 hours of video training with 701,989 written words in bite-sized lessons. It is as detailed as possible, yet since I teach you the principles of speculation, it is also as flexible as possible.
It is so comprehensive because I have held nothing back. Every little nook and cranny of my brain has been picked and the trading insights shared with you. You may think it is a lot of reading. And there are hundreds of thousands of words. But it is easy reading.
Scared a bit by the 701,989 words?
Paul Tudor Jones once said that to succeed from a trading perspective, it requires "an indefatigable and an undying and unquenchable thirst for information and knowledge." He also said that "if life ceases to be an educational experience, then I probably wouldn't get out of bed."
This Order Flow Mastery Course is for serious students who want to learn and understand the enduring and scalable inefficiencies in the financial markets. It is for serious people. Even if your not serious, you are still allowed to purchase it, and who knows, it may just transform you into a serious trader. It may light the fire of ambition and show you the shining light at the end of the tunnel.
You won't need to use any technical indicators, chart patterns, price patterns, forex robots, or esoteric techniques. You don't even need a Bloomberg Terminal or any fancy, expensive monthly services. You can use all of the techniques in the Mastery Course with zero monthly trading expenses.
But, it gets even better with.
1 Year of Questions Answered.
Another unbelievable value of the Mastery Course, is that it comes with a full year of access to me to answer questions. Typically, at the end of each week, I answer the questions that come from my members through email. Many members tell me that they love the Mastery Course, but that the ability to ask me questions, far surpasses even that! The value of having a great trader answer your questions as you progress through your trading journey for a full year and guiding you through, is not just enormous - it is priceless!
I have seen many of my members progress through the trading journey. The quality of the questions they ask a few months after the Mastery Course, are leaps and bounds ahead of what they were asking before they enrolled in the Mastery Course.
That is the power of the Order Flow Transformation that you can experience.
"I've been busy implementing them in my trading. It is really making me comfortable trading by leaps and bounds!! Looking back it's the best investment I've made in years. I haven't even looked at other forums anymore. It's that effective. You have seriously changed my life and my view on trading."
IF You Decide To Stay Past The Refund Date, Then You Get These Extra Bonuses. (Hedge Fund Mindset Mastery and Key Money Management, Position Sizing and Psychology)
If you decide to stay a member past the refund time period of 60 days, then you get access to the Hedge Fund Mindset Mastery and the Key Money Management, Position Sizing, and Psychology sections. These are designed as extra learning material to take your trading to the next level beyond Global Macro Trading.
I have written in the trading profit ladder that price action trading is better than technical indicator trading. And how the next level above that is order flow trading. And the next level above that is Global Macro Trading.
Well there is one more level above that .
It is called Hedge Fund Trading and Mindset Mastery .
It is the highest level of order flow mastery and deepest level of market thinking. Anyone can be a price action trader. If you get lucky then they get exposed to an order flow form of trading. If you manage to get lucky and get out of the stop hunting and option barrier bubble, then you can enter the global macro form of trading. Then if you get even luckier you can attain hedge fund mindset mastery.
Few will attain such a level because the information is just too complicated for the average trader. But now, for the first time in history, I have broken down for you the differences between how the retail speculators and hedge funds think. I describe all the vital differences in how they trade, what their expectations are, how much leverage they use, what returns they are looking to generate, what their maximum opportunity set for their trades look like, liquidity differences, inefficiencies differences, etc.
I have never seen anything like this available anywhere else.
If it did exist, then I wouldn't have had to create it from scratch.
But it did not exist. So I had to develop it just for you.
Most people stay small minded. They think about how they can just make a few hundred dollars or a few thousand more dollars per month from trading.
Very few retail traders think big.
They are scared to think big.
They are scared to think about how to make the really big money in the markets. For various reasons including the wrong market beliefs, lack of information, whatever information they do have it is difficult to understand or they suffer from information overload, and they have all sorts of their own inner demons working against them.
Don't fall into the same trap. Don't be scared of thinking big.
With the Hedge Fund Mindset Mastery bonus portion, you will learn:
How much leverage hedge funds use How they avoid blowing their accounts How Paul Tudor Jones traded back in the 1980's How hedge funds survive adverse market conditions How they position size in currency markets versus the stock market What trading returns hedge funds target vs what retail traders try to do How much they risk per trade The discipline that the top traders have versus retail traders Eight different ways hedge funds manage their stop losses and how they can enter and exit positions Why some hedge funds blow up Different strategies hedge funds use to scale into trades How the hedge funds run liquidity tests Two of the biggest currency trades in the history of the world and their outcomes Accurate market thinking to attain a better estimate of the true market value of your positions Which inefficiencies the hedge funds focus on Discover why the big hedge funds are inefficient The hedge fund's relationship between their position size, reward risk ratio and their opportunities in the market How hedge funds use pyramiding to enter a virtuous cycle The key variables hedge funds use in order to position size their trades 9 Examples of historical hedge fund trades. Both winners and losers. Examples such as Soros shorting the U. S. dollar twice and making hundreds of millions Paul Tudor Jones shorting the Japanese stock market and making tens of millions Soros breaking the Bank of England and making over a $1 billion dollars Julian Robertson losing $2-3 billion on bad currency bets And many more.
"Your course is outstanding. You take it to the next level. Amazing!"
I Know I'll Get Ripped Off By A Few Scumbags, But I Don't Care, You Still Get A Fair Guarantee.
I know that there will be some people that try to copy all the information and put it on a torrent website.
But I don't care.
You still get 60 days to try it out.
Read through everything and as much as you can in 60 days. Go through the order flow mindset section, where you learn about where the BIG MONEY exists. Check out the Order Flow Economics crash course. The Stop Hunting and Option Barrier sections. The Bible of News Trading Section. The Global Macro Trading section. Look over the Order Flow Generator / Scenario blueprints. Read all the important trading quotes. Master how to interpret the information flow. Learn about my secret weapon. Undergo the order flow transformation.
Read it as many times as you can in 60 days.
If you don't have at least 100 Revelations, 100 AHA moments, 100 epiphanies, or 100 light bulb moments, or if your friends don't actually accuse you that you are a master trader, then you can receive a no questions asked 100%, full refund, of every penny you paid within 60 days.
I know that despite teaching you about all of the above, about the enduring inefficiencies that have always existed, about The Bible of News Trading, etc, you may still not like what I have to offer. Maybe you think I am a quack. Maybe you don't like my writing style. Whatever your reason, or for no reason at all, you can still get your money back in 60 days.
There is no hassle. No explanation is necessary. You don't have to write me a long letter. You don't have to show me proof that you placed some trades using the order flow analysis. None of that.
You can not lose on this deal.
Paul Tudor Jones once said that he wanted to make trading a pursuit of happiness instead of pain. I am doing the same thing with this Order Flow Mastery Course. If you don't like it, then just ask for a refund within the specified refund period. Then I will wish you well on your journey to the pursuit of happiness in whatever you decide to do.
"You are so gracious in sharing what you know. You are one of the few in this business that deserve a in person thank you."
Now Is The Time To Act On The Bargain Of The Century.
I have heard of some people spending $5,000 or $10,000 or $15,000 dollars on seminars only to be taught about technical indicators and tried to be upsold on even higher priced programs. People have spent thousands of dollars on things which do not teach the foundations of trading success.
You won't have to spend nowhere near as much, and you get the universal principles of speculation with the Mastery Course.
Also let me issue a reminder: You get my "secret weapon" that is worth tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars to you, if you use it correctly. These results are not typical. I am in no way saying that everyone who purchases the Mastery Course will instantly make $10,000 or $100,000 dollars. I am NOT saying that. It is my opinion that most people who purchase trading products lack the discipline to apply the material and suffer from many personal demons that prevent them from experiencing the type of trading success that they want to achieve.
What I am saying is that if you have a good work ethic, good habits and apply the information in the Mastery Course correctly, your trading results will surpass your wildest expectations.
The Ultimate Guide To Order Flow Trading.
هذا الدليل هنا هو حول تجارة تدفق النظام والعقل لك، وأعتقد أن هذا هو الدليل النهائي لتدفق الفوركس ترتيب التداول كنت من أي وقت مضى ذاهب لقراءة.
It really has some solid nuggets of order flow trading wisdom in it including:
how to read order flows order flow trading strategies and techniques how to analyse market sentiment and combine that with order flow trading how to use price action with order flow trading how to understand market micro structure and use that with order flow trading and lots of other goodies as well.
I have been searching about order flow trading in forex market because it is one subject that used to arouse my curiosity and there appears to be very little information about how to actually apply order flow knowledge into real live trading situation.
Fortunately I stumbled upon a work by a trader called Dali who started a Order Flow Trading Thread at babypips .
The order flow trading thread itself is about 40 pages long so I’ve gone through the entire thread and extracted all the necessary information Dali wrote and what I’ve done here is simply re-wrote(to explain the concepts a bit more), re-arrange them, put titles, subtitles etc to make it easier to “digest” in one place without going through 40 pages of thread (content) and reading all the other unnecessary stuff in that thread as well.
So what you are going to read is not my work , its Dali’s.
(Thanks Dali for the great order flow trading information…if you ever happen to visit forextradingstrategies4u)
Some bits and pieces of content may be missing or not look connected in this order flow trading guide…I’m just warning you, you may come across a few.
جدول المحتويات.
What Is Order Low Trading And What It Is Not.
The definition of order flow trading tends to cause a lot of confusion. Here are 3 potential definitions of what order flow trading is:
Some people think that when you trade directly from the information flow provided by the banks, that is considered order flow trading. To be quite honest, that information would only be available to a very small number of people and they won’t be sharing that on the internet or with you. Other people think that order flow trading is is tape reading. And there are other traders that also think that order flow trading is a form or price action trading .
So which of these definition is correct for order flow trading?
You see, there is no clear definition-all these mentioned methods are based on anticipation of future order flows in the markets.
Order Flow Trading Is A Mindset.
The way I see it is that order flow trading is a mindset.
ماذا يعني هذا؟
Well, instead of just looking for technical patterns, a trader should go a step further and think about what other market participants might do.
Think About What Other Market Participants Might Do.
This is a very important concept in order flow trading-thinking about what order market participants might do.
And when you think along that line, you can anticipate what kind of actions they will be taking in the market.
You see the forces of fear and greed play out in the market everyday.
If you are a new trader and you are a 100% technical analysis trader, this can be big change because you would have relied so much on technical analysis.
But like anything else in life, once you continue to study it, learn it and over time, it starts to become easier and you can start to view the forex market with a completely different eyes and you’ll start to:
be aware aware how price is moving in which manner it moves (not as good as bank flow info, but price action gives some good insights) your knowledge about other participants helps you avoid common mistakes and finally, your knowledge about market inefficiencies will help you combine all this and exploit those opportunities in live trading.
Traders can argue a lot about the term order flow trading but for me:
order flow trading is simply is a way of thing. order flow trading is a different approach to trading the markets than the common ones and it is not limitted to a particular method.
You see, I do not have any private bank flow information, nor do I have any insider information but here’s the thing-my knowledge about market microstrucuture and I don’t have any private bank flow information, but still, my knowledge about:
market microstructure and other market participants.
are giving me an edge to trade the markets.
What Are The Steps To Learn Order Flow Trading?
There are 3 basic steps to learn about order flow trading and here they are:
Step 1: Learn about market microstructure (how price change, type of orders, liquidity etc.)
Step 2: Learn about the other market participants (commercials, banks/dealers, real money, sovereigns, large speculators)
Step 3: Exploit market inefficiencies.
Types of Orders And How Price Changes.
In this article, I will cover:
the three main type of orders used in trading and how price changes.
We will take a look what really happens and what is moving price.
To understand order flow trading you also need to know about this term called liquidity.
So what is the definition of liquidity then? Well, let me give you an example:
If you want to buy an asset (you are the buyer), there must also be seller that is willing to to sell that asset to you as well.
Now if you are the seller, you also need a buyer looking to buy whatever that you are wanting to sell.
As long as the transaction can be done by both the buyer and the seller, then you can say that there’s is liquidity available for both the buyer and the seller to carry out the transaction.
Now, that’s the most simplest explanation of liquidity you are ever going to get.
So on trading, how is liquidity created?
How Liquidity Is Created In The Market.
Liquidity is created when traders place orders in the market and these orders are called the bid and offer.
These are the definition of a bid order and offer order:
A bid is a limit order to buy an asset at a specific price (better than the current market rate) An offer is a limit order to sell an asset at the determined price (better than the current market rate).
Bids and offers create liquidity in a market, they provide it to participants which trade via market orders.
If you are a large trader, liquidity is a very important factor. Large traders cannot simply think about how much price will move, but also how they will get out of their trade when the time has come.
Well, if you are a large trader and you wan’t to close your large trading positions but if there’s no liquidity, you are really stranded.
This is not a problem for us retail trader, but definitely a key factor for those trading big amounts of money-size is a big problem.
The more liquid a market is, the more it will attract other traders.
Types Of Orders.
Market Orders.
Market orders consume liquidity provided by limit orders.
They are orders issued to buy/sell a specific asset at the current market price.
A buy market order will be filled against the best offer and a sell market order will be filled versus the best bid available.
Market orders take away liquidity from the market as the participant that issues them wants to trade immediately and eats available liquidity via limit orders.
أوامر الحد.
Limit orders provide liquidity because they give other traders the option to trade against them.
If I issue a 1 million bid (buy limit order) at 1.31000 for EUR/USD, I provide liquidity to other participants looking to sell at the market at this price.
They are called limit orders because they cannot be filled at a price worse than specified.
This means my bid at 1.31000 can be filled AT or BELOW (positive slippage) the rate, but not above.
Order books or DOMs (Depth of Market) are mostly used in Futures trading, as the FX market has no aggregated volume data. مثال:
In this asset, we have no orders at 44 and 45, which means you can currently buy at 46 (the best available offer ) and sell at 43 (the best available bid ).
If I decide 45 is a good price to sell at and issue an offer at that rate, the spread will narrow and buyers will be able to buy from me at 45 the amount I offer to sell.
Let’s say there is an impatient buyer that moves his bids to 44.
He will again reduce the spread and now sellers are able to sell at a better price than before. The order book looks now like this:
How Price Changes.
Scenario 1: Trader „A“ buys 20 contracts of the asset at the market.
The order book above shows the availaible liquidity and it is visible that he will not be filled at 45 as there is insufficient liquidity.
He will get filled as follows: 10 at 45, 8 at 46 and 2 at 47.
As he consumed ALL liquidity at 45 and 46 , the order book will now look like this:
The order book will stay this way until there are new bids created below 47 OR there is even more buying at the market price (at the best offer) which drives price higher and further consumes offers.
DOMs are not used in FX (or at least, shouldn’t be used, as there is no aggregated volume data for FX), but the mechanism of price change is the same in all markets.
Limit orders are providing liquidity, while market orders are consuming them .
Stop Orders.
Stop orders are orders to buy above the current market price/sell below the current market price.
The term „stop order“ is used because the order is „stopped“ from being executed until it hits the determined price.
It is being stopped because otherwise, if you create a bid at the price where offers already exist or above, it would become marketable order and would be executed immediately.
Most of the time, a buy stop order will be executed when it’s price has hit the market „offer price“ and a sell stop order will be triggered when it’s price has hit the market „bid“ price.
They will be converted into market orders and will consume liquidity.
But there is something unique about stop orders.
They can also provide liquidity .
Let’s say I’m a large trader looking to sell an asset (please forget about the above order book for this example). Market price is currently 44/46 (I can buy at 46 and sell at 44).
I don’t want to sell at 44 because liquidity is not good enough for the amount of contracts I intend to sell.
I’m aware that there are a lot of buy stops above the price of 50 from participants that are already short.
Other participants are also aware of this and price will be attracted to those levels.
I will therefore set my offers above 50 (let’s say 51 and 52) and gain advantage from the stops.
Chances are good there are not many buyers at those levels, as price will be perceived as high and liquidity is a bit thin.
But there are forced buyers above 50 and they will have to take my liquidity.
My shorts will be filled and price is likely to move quickly in my favor as most buying came from shorts that were stopped out.
Price is not attractive for buyers and will likely drop quickly.
Stop hunting is a common activity in ALL markets, not just the FX market.
Retail traders are aware of this, but mostly in the wrong way.
I’m not talking about your retail broker widening spreads to take some few more stops out, but stop hunting on a larger scale.
Large traders need it for liquidity as above described and bank dealers will also use it also to control their book better.
But let’s leave that for later…
Additional Information About Stop Orders.
Stops are not technically providing liquidity, but in an indirect way.
Let’s again take the above mentioned example. I’m looking to sell an asset which is currently at 44/46 (I can sell at 44 and buy at 46).
I do not find this a good rate to sell at, so I will issue a limit order.
I know there are stops above 50 and those will likely get the attention of predatory traders which will push price into the direction of stops.
I therefore issue two a sell limit order at 51 and 52.
Let’s assume sentiment for the asset is rather mixed and there are not many bulls.
With this, there likely won’t be any buyers at 51 and 52 and price will not even reach those levels.
But with the buy stops above 50 we have forced buyers .
Those traders determined that they want to get out of their short position at those rates and their demand will accelerate the move and trigger my offers.
I provided liquidity to them, but I exploited the weaker side of the market and got into a position at a better rate. Without the forced buyers, they likely wouldn’t get trigered at all.
Regarding your second question: You do not need the DOM to predict order flow.
Even if you have the DOM for i. e. futures, it shows you only orders for the upper and lower five price levels and with those markets being so liquid and fast-changing, you won’t be able to extract any useful information from it.
I used the DOM above to visually explain the process of price change.
I will cover the topic of projecting future flow also at a later point.
There are two ways the stops can help me:
1) the presence of the stop loss orders above will attract the attention of so-called stop hunters.
It can be speculators, model funds (algos) buying into short-term momentum or dealers who do it to manage their books.
I will cover this activity in a later article, but the key is that a larger cluster of stop loss orders will have the attention of other traders, especially when they are near.
2) the stop loss buying that will happen above 50, will accelerate upside momentum for a short period and get my offers triggered.
However, as they were forced buyers and there are little “real buyers” up here, price will quickly drop.
I may explain this better in a real market example:
GBP bias is clearly negative and we saw a sharp drop down to 150.80 on the Sunday opening.
As price declined, there were traders who lowered their stops to protect their gains and in general, more buy stops were building above.
It is a common practice of retail traders (but not only them) to put their stops slightly above the big figure (big figure = every 100 pip price level – i. e. 1.50, 1.51, 1.52) when they are short.
As GBP/USD recovered, first stops above 1.5150 got the attention of stop hunters and then those above 1.52.
Take a look at the chart below and you will see what I described happened twice!
First stops above 1.5150 were taken out and the pair traded up to 1.5160. However, up momentum disappeared and price quickly dropped below.
The 1.5090 support level held and as price marched towards 1.52, stops above were in focus. Do you see what happened?
Stops above 1.52 were triggered, offers were filled, little buyers left after the forced one’s were done and price dropped!
Stop Hunting.
Retail traders are generally aware of stop hunting, but have a wrong idea what it really is.
It is not your retail broker slipping you for a few pips to get your stop.
Those brokers do not have the size to move market in such a way!
As I covered in the previously, large traders cannot simply accumulate or distribute a large position whenever they wish.
They have to look for liquidity and stops are helping them in an indirect way, like I explained in the example above.
That is why stop hunts tend to be quickly faded: The large bids or offers got filled and with the stops triggered, there are no buyers left in a buy stop-hunt scenario and no sellers in a sell stop-hunt scenario.
Those bids and offers tend to stabilize the market.
If there were little of them available as the stops get triggered, it would result into an event called a stop cascade – there is insufficient liquidity for the stop loss orders and price gets pushed into the next area of large stops until bids/offers in good size appear.
There are also traders that anticipate such moves and look to take profit near the level where stops are rumored to be.
Those are mostly short-term speculators and model funds (which buy/sell on momentum).
They will take advantage of the forced buyers/sellers and liquidate their position as price hits into the stops.
We will cover the topic of how to identify levels of concentrated stop loss orders later.
Dealers also participate in this activity.
While there are looking to make some profit from short-term trading, their main task is to provide clients with liquidity and get them filled with less as possible slippage.
Let’s go through a scenario:
EUR/USD is trading at 1.3050 and Dealer “A” sees many of his clients have buy stop orders from 1.3100 up to 1.3110. This means those clients want to get out of their position once price breaks above the determined rate.
If he does nothing and waits for price to break above 1.31, he will have trouble filling his clients without slippage. There will be stops from other market participants above 1.31 and other dealers will be acting similar, pushing price higher fast.
He would fill his clients at a bad rate, earn nothing from it and his reputation would be seriously hit if this would happen several times.
So what can he do?
He can gradually start to accumulate a long position and anticipate a break of 1.31 into the stops.
Dealers tend to have a great feeling for short-term moves and are skilled for having “a feel for the market”.
If he gradually buys EUR/USD all the way up to 1.31, he will be able to fill his clients without slippage and will make a nice profit from it.
More detailed example:
Buy Stops from 1.3100 – 1.3110 worth $100 million.
Buy 20 million @ 1.3060.
Buy 20 million @ 1.3075.
Buy 20 million @ 1.3080.
Buy 20 million @ 1.3085.
Buy 20 million @ 1.3090.
Net position = Long 100 million @ 1.3079.
So he will distribute his position as price breaks above 1.31 and fill his customers stop loss orders.
This can of course go wrong if price fails to maintain the upside momentum and turns lower.
The dealer must then quickly get out of his position.
But again, those traders are skilled at managing their positions and while they can’t be right all the time, like other traders cannot too, they have a good feel for the short-term moves.
How to Use Order Flow Information.
Again, banks do not open their order books directly to just any outsider, one would need good connections.
So people claiming they have some software that shows the order books for the FX market are scammers.
As volume is not concentrated and FX is an OTC market, there is no real ‘Depth of Market’ for the whole market.
The one you maybe see in your trading platform is only the DOM of your broker and retail brokers have a small role in this huge market.
However, discretionary flow information is something different.
There are a few sites that provide this information for free and I’ve been using them long enough to tell they are quite reliable.
Those are people that have some connections in the trading industry, mostly as they worked as traders too in the past.
One needs to distinguish between discretionary information like shown below and people claiming to have DOM’s for the FX market.
Flow information often looks like this:
Bids at 1.30, 1.2980, 1.2950.
Offers at 1.3080, 1.31, 1.3120.
Buy stops above 1.31.
Sell stops below 1.30.
So again, bids are limit orders to buy at a determined price.
Bids mentioned in the flow info providers will be levels where good buying interest is noted.
Offers are limit orders to sell at a determined price.
The mentioned Offers will be where decent selling interest is noted.
Market participants always look for the weaker side of the market, so both buy and sell stops will be targeted. Be aware that you shouldn’t just enter a trade and “gun for the stops”.
You need to have other factors that support your trade idea.
When using this, it is very important to keep in mind that this is additional information that may help you in your trading, but you should not trade off this information alone – that is, using them as trade signals .
Orders get cancelled all the time. We cannot know the size of the mentioned orders. مثلا if there is a lot of demand for EUR/USD and rather small offers ahead, it will absorb those rather easy and continue to move up. If price stops after hitting the cluster of orders, it is not a sign that it will reverse immediately. Watch for additional signals.
Price action and sentiment comes first!
There are always bids and offers, smaller and large ones, but in the end it depends on the power of the bulls or the bears.
As I mentioned, if there is strong demand for EUR/USD, offers will do little on the way up until the accumulation has finished.
How to Use This Information.
First, determine the current sentiment.
Example: The market bias for the Pound is currently very negative and GBP/USD is clearly trading in a downtrend. I therefore will only look for opportunities to sell the pair.
Second, note key price levels. These include bids and offers from the resources I will post below and key technical levels (standard support/resistance levels).
Third, watch for price action to give you a high probability opportunity to enter short. I will cover later some of the various Order Flow techniques I learnt.
For now, I just want to note that you should always use flow information like bids and offers with caution. You want the market bias to be in your favor and wait to see a reaction to those levels, not enter ahead.
I hope I have emphasized enough how important it is not to use them as trade signals, so I will post now the resources I use for the flow information (they are free):
The Thomson Reuters IFR feed also includes good flow information and Oanda offers it for free to clients.
If you dont have access to it, dont worry, there is enough info from the free sources.
The subscription from Reuters costs something like $150 a month, which is way too much and definitely not worth the price, especially for retail traders.
I use the Daily, 4H and 1H chart, but trade on the 5M to execute my trade idea.
Depends on what type of strategy you are concentrating.
If you decide to apply the stop hunt strategy, you can either enter on momentum (e. g. break of intraday S/R level -> target stops below next level) or wait for a retracement into a support/resistance level to get a better entry.
Make sure you concentrate on the high probability opportunities. Clear sentiment (i. e. currently negative GBP and JPY bias) will give you the best edge.
Technical factors include price action around the specific support/resistance level (i. e. if it bounced several times of a support level, stops below will grow larger).
If you want to fade a stop hunt, the entry should be pretty clear (near the stops).
The set up will give you the opportunity to use a tight stop, but here it is even more important to only apply it when sentiment is clear.
You don’t want to go against the flow, as it will just take out your stop and move on.
A good example is EUR/JPY. There were larger stops above 123, but sentiment was clearly JPY-negative and there was real momentum building in EUR/JPY, not just some stop hunting.
Obviously, someone who would have applied the strategy here and went short, would have got stopped out.
On the other side, GBP-sentiment was negative and GBP/USD provided a few good opportunities to fade stop hunts.
I agree that large participants certainly will look to hide their intentions, but the bids/offers mentioned in the feeds that provide flow info are rather levels where a larger amount of different limit orders reside.
Sometimes, more detailed flow info can be leaked (i. e. “x” has large offer @ 1.30), but those were mostly from corporations (hedgers).
We certainly won’t find info like “Large hedge fund has offers at 1.30”.
I also agree with your 2nd statement and this is why I strongly advised against using such info as trading signals. Sentiment has always priority to order info and traders should wait for a reaction to the reported levels, not acting ahead.
المشاركون في سوق الفوركس.
Before we dive further into the world of Order Flow Trading, we must be aware who participates in the FX market. While not all groups have the same characteristics, there are some most have in common. I will split the groups up and explain them all in more detail.
Dealers are the main market makers for the FX market as they operate on the “Tier 1” level – the interbank market. A dealer quotes his customers a bid and an ask price and the difference (the Spread) will be his profit.
As a transaction with his customer takes place, he takes the other side of the trade and can either get rid of his exposure via the interbank market or he can hold the trade if he thinks it will benefit him.
Dealers therefore can hold trades for speculation, but they usually close them in a short time period. They mostly finish their trading day without any open positions.
Dealers are well-informed traders and have a good sense for short-term market movements, so it only makes sense for the banks to let them also do some discretionary trading beside handling customer trades.
They participate in stop hunts, as I explained earlier in the thread, because they look to manage their book.
The network of dealers working for the top FX market-making banks build the “Interbank Market”, the highest tier in the FX market.
Sovereign Names.
This group includes central banks and institutions like the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).
Central banks operate in the FX market on a daily basis and when other participants become aware of their presence, they will pay a lot of attention to what they do.
Asian Central Banks are one group within the Sovereigns that are often identified in the marketplace and news providers like Reuters are reporting about their business.
Especially if things are rather quiet, they can have a strong influence, so keep that in mind! The “BIS” is an institution that handles transaction for other banks.
The idea is basically that other CB’s can operate in the market without being identified.
Nevertheless, any mention of “BIS” or “Basel name” in the news feed is worth paying attention to.
Large Speculators.
Those are hedge funds, model funds (algo & HFT trading) and large traders.
They are in this game for the profit and are the group with the greatest variety amongst members.
Some trade intraday, some exclusively long-term and some combine all of this together.
Model funds mostly focus on automated trading and volatility is something they love.
Most of the hedge funds however, will look for stable trends to ride, like the current GBP and JPY downtrends. As they are leveraged players, they can feel the pain sooner when a squeeze is happening in the market.
It is certainly not just the retail traders getting stopped out, large specs can be caught with a vulnerable stop loss too.
Real Money.
They are called that way because they do not use leverage. Included in this group are mutual funds, classical investment funds and sovereign wealth funds.
They are conservative and will generally either look to manage their currency exposure or, if speculating, look for stable trends.
Hedge funds do too look for trends, but they have the ability to leverage up and switch to short-term trading if they wish to.
As you’ll understand, real money funds that do not operate on leverage and cannot get aggressive, will not be able to operate that way.
Real Money will be usually a bit late in a move, but their presence is still worth noting, as they look to accumulate positions.
Example: Real Money accounts were quite present sellers in GBP/USD the past few weeks.
Commercials (or corporations/businesses) are looking to hedge their currency exposure they have through their business operations, mostly due international business.
Managing their risk is the number 1 task for them and not profits from speculation.
Their activities can have an impact on the markets if they are trading in a big size, but they are not participants one should follow, as they are not profit-motivated in the first place.
Retail Traders.
The number of retail traders that lose is hard to guess, but it is definitely high.
The popularity of Technical Analysis (TA) led them to place their stops at predictable places and this can be exploited by Order Flow Traders.
Even as the number of proven trading strategies shared free has increased over time, most retail traders lack the consistency and discipline to make it in this business.
I hope that gave you a good insight who’s operating in this market and some of their common characteristics.
You are competing against other traders in the market and some of them are powerful players with a lot of experience and capital.
Without losers, there would be no winners. Start thinking about how could you exploit the characteristics of other participants.
Markets are all about fear and greed. As price moves, some will start to feel pain and will have to cover at some point.
Hunting stops and initiating squeezes in the market place is not just about retail traders, professional traders also get stopped out or are forced to cover as the position moves against them.
One of the most important thing is that Order Flow Trading is a mindset that teaches you to exploit the weaker side of the market.
You want to take the high prob opportunities and go with the flow.
Some questions to think about …
1) What are the key themes in the market currently?
2) Pick a currency and write down if current sentiment is positive, negative or mixed. What are the main factors driving current sentiment? You don’t have to be an analyst and you certainly don’t have to make it complicated. Follow a news feed or get some headlines from either Reuters, Bloomberg or Financial Times website. Keep it short in form of notes.
3) What is price action telling you? As prices moves further, compare it to your sentiment analysis.
Think about the stops of other participants.
Think about the characteristics of other participants.
Don’t just see simple “Support/Resistance levels” & # 8230؛ there is nothing magical about them, orders drive price action. Think about what it means for bulls if a key support level holds. Will they be accumulating further?
Does PA indicates decent demand or are the upmoves quickly running into further selling?
What if the level breaks, where does the pain start for the bulls?
I don’t want to make this complicated or confuse anyone, but in my opinion thinking more deeply about these topics is useful, especially for newbies.
Eventually, I will cover this in more detail through the thread, but take some time to see the markets in a different way than you did before.
When I just started with OFT, I thought about these themes and made a lot of notes and observed the markets.
It was of tremendous help, but I over complicated things a bit.
Just make sure you don’t over complicate things!
Reading Order Flow.
There are several services that provide real-time flow information like the one’s I mentioned above.
Again, they have to be used with caution as orders can get cancelled or can have little or no impact. Also, we don’t want to get too dependent on them.
Imagine a service get’s discontinued – you want to be able to do your own order flow analysis and not let yourself be distracted by this.
Reading order flow is possible on charts and you don’t need the flow info services necessary.
This is how the standard flow info looks like:
Bids at 1.3000, 1.2980, 1.2950.
Offers at 1.3050, 1.3080, 1.3100.
Most of the reported levels are one’s that have cluster of orders at or near it.
From the above mentioned info we could say that there is buying interest (demand) at 1.30, 1.2980 and 1.2950.
The further the level, the more interest we can expect, as traders will feel comfortable buying “very low” or selling “very high”.
Remember that price action can influence sentiment too.
If we see EUR/USD breaking below a key psychological and technical level, some traders will sell on the break (i. e. momentum funds) and with stops getting triggered on the way, this will drive price further lower.
Orders can either:
Get “eaten” along with little or none impact (this is common during a stop cascade/squeeze) Cause a slow down in momentum; price will consolidate Cause a reversal (common during times of low liquidity)
When trading of reported orders, I recommend waiting for a reaction and not putting a limit order ahead.
See how price reacts to the level and how it behaves it after it hits it.
Let’s say price trades down to 1.2950, where we have reported large bids from various participants. We see price stops at the level and retraces back up.
Now, how does it behave on the way up?
Does it seems that there is real momentum building to the upside or are rallies hitting quickly into fresh selling?
Reading the order flow directly is a bit tough in the beginning and it is hard to explain it in words. You have to monitor price action as it happens and take notes.
Combine this with sentiment and you have a real advantage.
Sentiment will give you the biggest advantage. Like I mentioned in my last post, you don’t have to make it complicated.
Note key factors that are driving price action currently, analyze price action itself and keep track of how they correlate.
Let’s take the Aussie Dollar as an example. Sentiment is positive as the RBA indicated it will not cut rates in the near future and on better economic data.
Price action confirms this, so we want to look for reported bids and wait for a reaction.
Nothing works all the time, but with sentiment on your side, you’ll go with the side of least resistance.
What really turned my trading into a profitable business was focusing on the high probability trades.
They don’t require a huge stop and the reward is clearly worth the risk.
Market profile is another factor.
During times of low volatility, playing the range is the best strategy.
Let’s say we are trading in a 1.2950/1.3020 range in EUR/USD and there is no clear sentiment.
You can anticipate a reaction to the reported levels and fade any rally or drop back to the mid range level.
When volatility is high, bids/offers can get consumed along the way quickly and that is an environment where you definitely don’t want to pick a top/bottom.
When there is real strength behind the move, look to join the momentum and not fade it.
In combination with the reported levels, you can identify key supply/demand levels on the charts.
Previous day high/low, previous week’s high/low, previous week’s close level and psychological levels (big figures – i. e. 1.30, 1.31). Start to “read the flow” on the charts and you’ll get better at it with time.
Stops are also easily identified on the charts.
Just think what the technical analysis guides taught you.
They taught you to place your buy stop above the big figure (i. e. 1.30 -> stop at 1.3010) or your sell stop below the big figure (i. e. 1.30 -> stop at 1.2990). Or, above resistance/below support.
Above is an EUR/USD chart that will serve as an example.
Demand at 1.2920 was large and there were first sovereign names reported as buyers and leveraged funds later joined the move.
Obviously, sell stops were building above 1.30 and 1.3080, which flow info services later confirmed. As we moved up, they came more and more to the attention of other traders and of dealers, so it was only a matter of time.
In my opinion, it is better to enter on momentum and push into the stops, than try pick a perfect entry when you have missed the chance.
Obviously, some of those concepts will be familiar to you from some of the technical analysis concepts.
So what is Order Flow Trading about and how is it different?
What I learnt is that I have to think differently about the market.
It is a mindset that will give you a real advantage in the market as you focus on the core mechanism of the markets and on sentiment.
As I mentioned, markets are a great deal about psychology.
I will be honest in saying that my capabilities in explaining some of those specific concepts are not that wide but I hope you get something from these.
Order Flow Trading can be applied in many ways and the above mentioned are just the basic examples.
I have some more article coming soon, then I will try to make the concept more understandable through trade examples and similar.
Price action patterns can be traded successfully without the knowledge about order flow, but knowing the OFT concepts will give you an advantage, as you are more aware why is it happening and you will understand better the factors driving PA.
As I mentioned, it is part a collection of methods based on market microstructure, but also part a mindset.
It encourages you to think more about other participants and how they may act.
My path was the following: Technical analysis (the common indicator-loaded stuff) -> Price Action -> Order Flow Trading.
I see OFT as the final step that helped me transform my trading into a successful endeavor.
It might seem a bit complicated to some in the beginning, but IMO it is worth the effort. However, it is important to suit your trading strategy to yourself.
If you’re doing fine with your PA strategy and are building consistency, stick with it and only modify your approach if you are feeling comfortable with it.
When using the order info, I would concentrate on the reported levels and combine it with your PA analysis and sentiment analysis, rather than focusing too much on who bought/sold.
When there is talk of sovereign (i. e. BIS, ACB) buying/selling during illiquid times, it can have an impact, but most of the times it is already old news.
If we hear a large hedge fund has bought EUR/USD this morning, it won’t matter much for us.
We do not know what the size was, what is the trade idea behind it and it is already old news.
Regarding your 2nd question: I can only reference back to my previous response to you.
What changed OFT for me, was that I could better determine the forces that were causing the PA pattern.
Together with sentiment analysis, I can focus on the high probability opportunities and learning OFT also improved my skills in reading PA.
There are a lot of inefficiencies one can exploit in the market once we get more familiar with market microstructure.
تحليل المشاعر.
Sentiment analysis is an important part of the Order Flow Analysis.
One could focus only on the technical stuff, but incorporating sentiment reading into your analysis will help you to focus on the higher probability trades.
One has not to go to deep into fundamental analysis to apply it.
I do not in-depth analysis about the global economy or specific countries, but rather focus on the key themes in markets and follow news.
There are a lot of free news feeds out there and most brokers offer the one from Dow Jones.
I personally use only the IFR Markets feed from Reuters, but again, the one from Dow Jones or websites like ForexLive will also serve you well.
So what should you be looking for?
1. Key Themes in the Market.
What are the key themes everyone is talking about in the markets?
This should not be too difficult to identify, as news services will report about them frequently. Currently, we have:
a) Cyprus bailout.
b) BoJ Inflation Target.
c) UK’s stagnating economy.
d) The Fed’s response to the improving US economy.
There are themes that will have a long-term impact like the Fed’s future policy and those with short-term impacts like a worse than expected economic data release of lower importance or some temporary political fights.
The short-term impact events often cause inefficiencies, which the OF trader can fade.
The long-term impact themes are the ones that are driving flows and even if you are day trading, going with the flow will give you an edge in the market.
2. Keep Track of Sentiment/Price Action relationship.
I will always look for obvious sentiment (like currently e. g. AUD-positive) and keep track of the price action.
If bias for a currency is positive, because of e. g. improving economic data and good chances of a rate hike, I will look for price action to deviate from this and enter long on a favorable opportunity.
This can be caused by a short-term impact event or it can be a “natural” retracement (profit-taking, short-term market participants).
One of my favorite patterns is the counter-sentiment stop hunt, which I explained earlier in this thread.
If we take again the example of the currency with positive sentiment, we want to look for a stop hunt down into sell stops and fade it.
Especially when there is no specific event/reason driving prices, just a “random” stop hunt, this will offer great opportunities.
3. Price Action Can Influence Sentiment.
It’s a two-way relationship. Like I mentioned in one of my earlier articles and Minotaur wrote about a few posts above, price action also influences market bias.
Let’s take an example from today: Shorts were worried keeping their position open over the weekend as any improvements in the Cyprus bailout deal could lead to a larger spike on the Sunday opening.
Even as market bias for the Euro is negative, the risks are too high for shorts.
There is a short-term base at 1.2880 and the level was respected.
Once buying picked above 1.2940, shorts got even more worried and probably felt there is a squeeze ahead.
Stops above 1.2950 were eventually triggered and it attracted further buying until we finally hit stops above 1.30. خمين ما؟
We had reports of large offers sitting at 1.30 during the whole week, so short-term participants took advantage of weak shorts by pushing into their stops and some other participants got themselves good short entries at 1.30.
The situation in Cyprus is still bad, but given the lack of concrete news, the market “cleared” the weak side of the market.
Don’t make it complicated and keep your sentiment analysis simple!
Note key themes in the market, follow the news (focus on one feed and key headlines, don’t become a victim of analysis paralysis) and study the relationship between your sentiment analysis and price action.
Think about your opponents in the market and try to identify the weak side of the market.
Finally, combine it with technical order flow (key levels, stops) and keep in mind that price action can influence sentiment too!
Here is one trade example, it is a position I still have running.
I shorted CL (Crude Oil Futures contract) at an average price of 95.30 as the stop hunt above 95.50 was completed. Sentiment turned negative pretty quickly in FX markets, but US markets were still trading in a tight range.
The choppy price action in the indices and my strong conviction about current negative sentiment in the markets gave me a good reason to stalk a short set-up in CL. Why CL?
Stop hunts occur in every market, but in CL it just tends to “stick out”.
I watched stops getting consumed on the way up and waited for price to lose momentum.
Stops above 95.50 were done and everything indicated CL hit into decent selling interest at 95.50. While upside momentum was quickly regained on the previous move, this was not the case after it hit 95.50.
So, price action combined with my view of negative sentiment, made me short CL at 95.30 and I’ll leave it open for a stop run below 94.
I’ll trail my stop on the way down.
It’s important that I note that it is sentiment that made me anticipate the set-up.
I do not advise going against momentum unless you have sentiment in your favor.
Barrier Options.
Barrier options are exotic derivates and an option on the price of the underlying asset.
The option writer (typically banks) sell options to the option buyers .
FX Options are traded over-the-counter and not on exchanges.
If the option expires worthless, the option writer has earned the premium (similar to a comission as you enter a trade) and the option buyer has lost.
If the option is in-the-money, the option writer has to pay out the option buyer the specified amount.
Knock-In Options – the option is worthless until the underlying asset hits the specified barrier price in the set time period. Example: EUR/USD spot price is 1.28 and I buy a 1.30 knock-in option. The option is worthless until it breaks above the 1.30 level.
Knock-Out Options – the option becomes worthless if the specified barrier level is hit. Example: GBP/USD spot price is 1.51. I think the pair is heading higher, but do not expect much volatility. If I buy a G/U option with a barrier at 1.53 and it does not reach the price level in the specified time period, I get paid. However, if price breaks above 1.53, the option will become worthless.
Double No-Touch Options - Just like the knock-out option, but it has two specified barrier levels. Example: DNT option for 1.26 / 1.34 in EUR/USD. If price stays within the set range during the stated time period, the option writer has to pay me the specified amount. However, if price breaches any of these two barrier levels, the option will become worthless.
Double One-Touch Option – Knock-in option with two set barrier levels. Example: GBP/USD 1.46 / 1.54. I will get paid on the option if it reaches either of the two set barrier levels during the specified time period. If it does not, it expires worthless.
Barrier options can trade in decent size, there are sometimes ones in the value range of 500 million up to 1.5 billion. Let’s use an example for the Knock-Out barrier option, as it the more common used one.
Put yourself in the position of the option writer.
You sold a 1.27 / 1.34 DNT barrier option to a customer with a 500 million $ payout.
Price is approaching the 1.27 level and that is exactly what you want to see.
Once it hits 1.27, you have pocketed the premium and will keep the half billion.
This is why option desks will gun for these barriers and try to get them triggered. Similar to the FX spot dealer, you want establish a short position and increase downside momentum.
As there are often stops located above/below barriers, this will help to attract the attention of Spot dealers and of predatory traders gunning for the stops.
On the other side, there is the option buyer that has great interest to keep price away from the 1.27 level.
Not everyone can buy a option in that size ($500m), so you can be sure he’s got some firepower too.
He will try to buy ahead of the level and hope there will be also other bids in decent size. A good example is the 1.28 barrier option in EUR/USD that got triggered today.
The option buyer was lucky yesterday, as there was decent demand from Asian Sovereign names and corporates that kept the pair above the barrier level.
However, EUR-negative sentiment led to fresh selling this morning and the pair broke below 1.28.
When we talk about barrier options in decent size (at least, larger than $50M), they certainly can have an impact on markets.
However, I don’t want this to look like there is a battle whenever a barrier option appears.
Just to mention one reason, there are participants that simply don’t care about some barrier option, they are gonna execute their trade idea nevertheless.
بعض الأشياء التي يجب وضعها في الاعتبار:
The “battle” will be more intense if the expiry is near. If the 1.27 barrier option in EUR/USD expires in two days and we are approaching the level, there will be very likely some effort from the option writer to get price down there and from the option buyer to keep price above for these two days. On the other side, if the option expires in two months, but it seems very likely we will break below 1.27, defence from the option buyer will be minimal. Sentiment & Market Profile! If we get bad news from Europe, there will be a lot of selling coming in and nobody’s gonna care about some barrier option. The option buyer will most likely also see that it is not worth defending the barrier – why additionally waste money?
Note reported barrier options (IFR, ForexLive, I mentioned earlier) and establish a position to push into the barrier level.
Preferably, go with sentiment.
Example: There were 1.28, 1.2775 and 1.2750 barrier options reported and sell stops reported below them.
One could not have a more beautiful OF trade: Establish a short position and gun for the barrier and stops below. Given the average daily range of EUR/USD, 1.2750 would’ve been a realistic target.
But a good approach would also be to establish a position and take partial profits as each of the barrier gets triggered to your final target.
In general, it is more preferable to go with the option writer and attack the knock-out barrier, especially when sentiment favors such price action.
However, in a market environment with little volatility and tight ranges, barrier protection can be stronger.
Market Psychology.
Putting ourselves in the shoes of other traders is an effective way to get a better feeling for current market bias .
Remember, fear and greed play a big role in the markets.
Having a good understanding about market psychology can give you an additional edge in the markets.
As price action develops two things happen:
some traders will be driven by greed and other will start to “feel the pain” as the position moves against them.
Let’s take EUR/USD as example:Going into the last ECB press conference, the market was largely short and buying interest was not very high. However, after the ECB meeting, the Euro rallied.
While there were fundamental reasons for the move, price action itself contributed to the shift in sentiment.
As we broke above 1.28, predatory traders were getting ready to push into the large buy stops above 1.29.
Price was moving higher and those positioned short got more nervous.
It was obvious there is a short squeeze ahead and eventually stops above 1.29 were triggered.
In this example, we can see while the shorts started to “feel the pain” and had to cover, the longs took advantage of it and pushed into their stops.
This goes on until some kind of balance is established.
When sentiment takes a turn again, the process will repeat. Let’s say, there is really bad news coming from Cyprus and Euro bias turns negative.
EUR/USD would be driven lower by fresh selling and sell stop clusters would come to the attention of other traders.
Traders positioning is important, whether you daytrade or swing trade.
You can keep an eye on COT positioning for a medium-term view on positioning.
Even if it is lagging a bit, it is still useful, especially when positioning hits extreme levels.
For short-term positioning you can guess it pretty easily once you watch price action for a certain period and get some feel for the markets.
So, here is some homework: Try do apply some of this in your trading.
In the previous sections, you have learned about other market participants characteristics and how to identify stop clusters. Combine it with the above mentioned method.
Important: Don’t try to see a stop hunt or squeeze in every move. Stay focused on the key technical levels and the stops that are located above/below.
On a personal note…
I’d like to share some of my experiences in the trading business.
Like most people do, I got into trading with the “Get rich quick” mindset.
The world of trading is exciting, it is easy to get lost in emotions.
Prices moving rapidly, news coming in every minute and tons of various chart patterns – I tried to get as much information together as I could, with the belief it will not take too long until I’m making serious money.
We all know how these stories end – with a blown up account! I didn’t lose all the money in my first account, but I was pretty close.
I’m thankful for this experience, as I got at least rid of the “get rich quick” mentality.
I decided I’ll simply get rich slowly…
As I mentioned in the opening post, I started trading in the stock market.
I wasn’t really an active trader, doing some simple technical analysis, combined with some fundamental analysis and holding trades for at least a few days.
When I got out of equities, it was the forex market that got me all excited about markets & trading and made me decide that I want to build a business out of it.
We all felt that excitement about trading currencies, right? The largest market in the world and a truly global one – open 24 hours, 5 days a week.
I started applying various forms of technical analysis, from indicators to chart patterns.
I thought this has to be the key to successful trading – an approach that rationalizes price movements with all available information included in the charts.
Why use fundamental analysis?
It was all in the candles, I thought.
For some time, I went through the highs and lows of trading – being overexcited when hitting a winning streak and frustrated as I realized that my strategy “did not seem to work anymore”.
Like most traders, I then removed all the indicators and traded the naked charts.
This gave me a little better understanding about the markets, as I focused on price action, not on indicators. I did better than in the first stage of trading, but still lacked consistency.
I always felt that I’m missing a piece of the puzzle and it kept on bugging me.
This prevented me from strictly following my rules and achieving the consistency I was seeking.
However, I had that deep felling in me that trading is what I want to do.
I’m sure many of you had the same feeling at some point? I HAD to succeed in this, not because I desperately seeked a way to accumulate wealth quickly, but because I’ve found something I love to do.
So, I did not rest and continued to do research.
After spending some more time with price action trading, modifing various strategies, I stumbled upon a few threads about order flow on FF.
The topic seemed a bit complex on the first look, but I felt that I’ve finally found the missing puzzle piece I was looking for.
See, it’s not just the order flow strategies I’ve been applying that turned me into a consistent and successful trader. It is the way of thinking – the mindset – of an OF trader that was a game changer for me.
Instead of rationalizing everything through technical analysis, I chose to study what other participants operate in the marketplace and what characteristics they share.
I see the markets completely different now and I can get a feeling for market bias much easier. My knowledge about market microstructure help me understand events that occur in the market in a clearer way.
It is a constant seek for liquidity and clearing out the weaker side of the market. This is no overstatement – your loss is somebody else’s gain.
Trading is not my primary source of income, but it provides a nice, additional flow of money and I love to trade.
Not depending on the money allows me to trade stress free.
If you want to be successful over the long run, you have to stop thinking about the money.
I know it’s very hard.
It took me years to achieve it.
But after you calculated your risk and reward on the trade, stop thinking about the money!
You have to think objectively about your trade and focus on your plan. As soon as you start to think about the cash, stop the thoughts!
Furthermore, you have to find a strategy that suits you.
You have to feel comfortable applying it and you need to have confidence in what you are doing. Doubt can be very costly in trading.
Follow your trading plan strictly after you have a strategy that you’ve tested and feel comfortable with.
We all go through tough times, I still have them too.
But you have to stay calm and think about your long-term goals.
Also, don’t compare your results to those of others.
I couldn’t care less if there is a guy making millions with system “XYZ”, I got a trading style that suits me and I’m the only person responsible for the risks I take. When you’re in a trading room, stay honest.
You will gain nothing if you act like a pro trader.
Be honest to yourself in trading and accept temporary defeats. Be honest when you need help.
If some people make stupid remarks about the mistakes you’ve made, ignore them, they are likely people without self-confidence, acting likely they are perfect traders and trying to hide that they’re actually losing.
Truth is, trading is a tough game.
Like every other profession in life, it takes time to get to a pro level.
YOU will be your biggest enemy as it is unavoidable that you’ll be driven by emotions from time to time. It is key that you keep a cool head and think long-term.
I wrote all my trading rules (analysis, strategy, entry, management, exit, money management) on a paper sheet and sticked it on the wall, so I can always see it from my trading desk.
When you find yourself tempted to break a rule, keep an eye on the plan and do the right thing…
I cannot say if Order Flow Trading is something for you, or not.
You will need to find that out by yourself.
But what I want you to understand is that if you study OFT and apply it, it is not limited to a specific strategy.
It does not mean you have to trade stop hunts. Like I described earlier, it is a mindset and you can combine it with other strategies, which do not have to be directly OF-related.
Start by studying market microstructure.
You will great info in Darkstar’s book, Carol Osler’s academic papers and the various threads on the internet.
To conclude, trading is a lot about psychology and no method or strategy can guarantee you success, but you will see that through the OF mindset, you’ll be able to see the markets from a different, more advanced perspective.
Applying Order Flow Techniques on the Charts – الجزء الأول.
Understanding the importance of liquidity and what role stops play in the markets, you can now apply it directly in your trading.
While there are several services that report where stop loss orders reside, it should be your goal to learn it yourself. After all, we want to make sure we are not too dependent on any news service or similar in our trading.
There a few key things you need to keep in mind about the accumulation of stop loss orders in the markets:
1) The higher the timeframe, the higher the number of market participants being aware of a certain technical pattern and placing orders based on it.
Simply, more traders will notice a pattern on a 4-hour chart than one on the 15 minute chart. There is a lot of noise on the minutes charts and not many traders will bother with interpreting too much into it.
2) The larger the number of confluences, the larger the size of the orders.
If a key resistance level happens to be near the 200 simple moving average and the 50.00 % Fibonacci level from a key market swing (i. e. drawn from the monthly high to the monthly low), it will get even more attention and orders around it will be larger.
3) The longer a pattern exists, the larger the size of the orders.
Let’s say we have an established range in EUR/USD between 1.30 and 1.32. Limit orders will start to cluster at both levels and stops will be placed below 1.30 and above 1.32. The longer the range exists, the larger the stops will grow until one side finally cracks and triggers the stops.
We can see in the example above that GBP/USD traded within a 1.5450 – 1.5600 range. Stops were growing larger on both sides as price remained within the range.
There were two things telling us that the downside was more likely to crack than the upside: 1) Weak UK fundamentals combined with USD strength and 2) the way price action reacted as it tested the lower range, we actually took out the stops below 1.5460, a sign that buyers aren’t as strong as the sellers ahead of 1.56.
Remember what I taught you about market psychology.
Once traders start feeling uncomfortable with their position (at least the professional one’s), they will look to cover. GBP/USD was just not able to break convincingly above 1.56 and on every failure, which was followed by a downmove, there were some longs covering.
The sellers were able to play this game for quite a while and they finally gained the upper hand on Friday, being able to push the pair into the weak sell stops.
Applying order flow trading is considering the technical picture and taking advantage of the weak side of the market.
How to Mark Large Stop Clusters on your Charts.
1) Open a blank chart – start with the Daily chart.
2) Note key support and resistance levels on the Daily and note at which price level the 200 SMA is trading. If you wish, draw a Fibonacci retracement from the latest major swing low to the most recent major swing high.
3) Move down to the 4H chart and again note the key S/R levels. Mark them in a different color.
4) Switch to the 1H chart and repeat the process, noting minor S/R levels. Again, draw them in a different color than the previous ones, so you can regonize them more easier.
Here is an example (EUR/USD):
I started with the Daily and moved then to the 4H chart, noting key support and resistance levels.
Repeat the process on the one hour chart.
I did not mark the Daily 200 SMA and the Fibs on the example above, but feel free to do so if you consider it helpful.
Stops are building below major support levels and above major resistance levels with limit orders very likely ahead. Your task is now to get a feeling for market bias and read price action to recognize the weaker side of the market and take advantage of them.
Applying Order Flow Techniques on the Charts – الجزء الثاني.
In the last section, I described the process of finding large stop clusters on the charts.
Now, I will try to explain how I read price action with the Order Flow mindset applied.
So why do key support/resistance levels work most of the times?
There is psychological attachment to them! That’s why!
Let’s take EUR/USD for example:
1.2980 to 1.30 is currently strong resistance and sellers are lining up offers there in anticipation that the level will hold. Traders that are short EUR/USD are watching this level closely and a break above 1.30 would be painful to them.
Just think of the situation where you feel quite comfortable with a position and think it will run further in your favor and then suddenly you see a sharp move which takes out a i. e. key resistance level.
Even professional/institutional traders have such situations where it doesn’t make sense for them to hold a position further.
As the 1.2980-1.30 zone is an established resistance zone, EUR/USD shorts are watching it closely and how price action behaves in the zone can largely influence market sentiment.
If we get another run into 1.2990, but it fails to even reach 1.30 and drops back quickly, the bears will feel renewed optimism.
Bulls on the other side will feel frustrated and will question whether their EUR/USD long position makes sense. Stops are building on both sides and it’s just a matter of time until it becomes clear which side has the upper hand.
What if we get a breakout above 1.30 and stops from EUR/USD shorts get triggered?
Bulls will have gained the upper hand in the short-term as they cleared some of the shorts, but much will depend on price action after this event.
Most important of course, are fundamentals. But then, are the dips well-bid compared to the selling that occurs at the rallies? Are bulls showing a strong initiative to keep price above?
A false breakout followed by another drop would mean this was just a short victory for the bulls.
To conclude: When trading you want to think about the other participants and what they are likely to do in a certain scenario.
Sentiment analysis can give us a very good edge and it can compensate if you struggle a bit with understanding fundamental analysis.
Price action can also reveal a good amount of information – keep an eye on how the dips and the rallies look like. If we have small rallies, but strong downmoves, the bears are in control.
How To Analyse Market Sentiment.
How do you tell if the market sentiment is negative or positive for a currency pair?
Here’s are the steps:
I start by checking the relevant headlines on Reuters, Bloomberg, reading the opening reports on OrderFlowTrading and then write down what I perceive as prevailing sentiment for each major currency. Then compare the market sentiment to price action.
All resources you need for sentiment analysis are available for free, so there is no need to subscribe to any services with in-depth analysis.
When I was a beginner in order flow trading, I found it more useful to focus on the key headlines and topics traders are talking about.
When you got an idea about the market sentiment, compare it to price action, make brief notes and see at the end of the trading day if you got it right (or not).
Again, don’t get confused by all the intraday noise, but focus first on medium-term sentiment.
Sentiment Analysis Example.
Lets Look at Australia, the AUD:
& # 8211؛ RBA likely to cut rates further this year, while the FED is expected to scale down it’s QE program.
& # 8211؛ Australian fundamental data doesn’t look healthy, Chinese growth is slowing down, commodities prices are dropping.
& # 8211؛ Prevailing market bias is negative.
& # 8211؛ COT data shows AUD short positioning is not at extreme levels yet, could still expand.
& # 8211؛ Price action shows small rallies and large downmoves.
& # 8211؛ 0.96 is now the key level everyone is watching.
When fading, I wait first for a reaction to the level.
Even if sentiment is in our favor, we must keep in mind that orders can be withdrawn or that a sudden turn in flow occurs and the levels breaks without much effort needed.
A good example is currently AUD/USD.
While sentiment remains negative overall, there was quite some short-covering going on today and it took out the 0.95 and 0.9550 resistance levels easily.
Look how price acts once it has broke a major technical or large order level. Assuming a large resistance level where offers in good size reside, you don’t only want to see price slowing down, but also how it reacts later.
In this example, rallies should be small and downmoves larger.
For this, I switch to the small timeframes (M1, M5) to see the PA more clearly.
If the dips ran into good buying interest and the rallies seem stable, you don’t want to fade the move.
It all comes down to risk-reward, when there is clear sentiment, you can go sometimes ahead and fade it, but the most important thing is that you accept when you are wrong .
For example, if someone focused on the AUD-negative sentiment and forced himself to believe the Aussie has to trade lower, he would have got hurt today.
If you fade and the trade goes wrong, accept it and either a) go with the flow or b) stay out of the pair.
The point of order flow trading is going with the overall flow and taking advantage of inefficiencies and not fighting the strong flow.
Go ahead and compare two pairs.
AUD/USD as it broke above the key resistance level at 0.9550 today:
ماذا ترى؟
1) Price broke above pretty clearly, taking out the offers without much problem.
2) More importantly, the dips remained well-bid.
3) Price broke back below the now-support 0.9550 level, but strong buying interest at the dip to 0.9535.
This is how a well-bid pair looks like and something you don’t want to fight.
As you can see, AUD/USD broke above 0.96 later.
See how parabolic that move was?
Not only that, but how little support it found after that stop hunt? Combine this with mixed sentiment and you have a good fade trade.
Now, I hope you can understand what I mean by reading price action.
It becomes much easier with time and you’ll start to see things much more clearly as you gain experience.
I trade quite often on intuition, because I’ve watched markets for so long.
Market Squeezes.
You have probably already heard the term “squeeze” in financial markets.
It describes a market where traders are caught overly positioned to one side, which leaves them vulnerable to sentiment-changing events or large players taking advantage of their vulnerability by engineering a “technical” squeeze.
How A Market Squeeze Can Happen.
There are two main ways market squeezes can happen-by an event/news or by technical reason.
I will explain each below…
A very recent example is the USD/JPY squeeze we saw the last night in the Asian trading session.
Traders expected that the Japanese Prime Minister Abe and his party will win the majority in the Upper House election – which they did.
However, this was already priced in as many traders bought the USD/JPY on Friday on those expectations.
This resulted in a squeeze of the traders who were positioned long. Those who where long, took profits, and some predatory traders joined the selling to profit from the move.
Once the stops below 100 started to getting triggered, downside momentum picked up until we ran into good-sized bids around 99.60.
Large players can engineer a short squeeze without an event to gain more favorable conditions for themselves.
This is most commonly seen as a stop hunt, as the stops from those short-term traders are usually triggered in this process.
You have to keep in mind that it is the job of financial journalist to always find a reason why a certain price move has happened.
So if you notice that there is really no reason why a certain pair moved, but you are aware of the fact that positioning is either overly long or short, you can imply that this was simply a stop hunt.
How To Take Advantage Of Market Squeeze.
1) If there is no reason for a certain price move and you are sure it was only stop loss-driven, you can fade the move and trade in the direction of the trend/sentiment.
You could of course join the squeeze and try to hunt the stops, but you need to be quick.
2) The squeezes that happen due to an event that has changed short-term sentiment or even medium-term/long-term sentiment endure longer and you can take advantage of those trapped traders that are caught on the wrong side by joining the squeeze.
For example: Let’s say the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) does not cut interest rates in August.
The majority of traders expected they would do so and positioning is extremely short. ماذا سيحدث؟ We will see a larger short squeeze driven by position covering and stop loss triggering.
Tools for Market Positioning:
Retail positioning is of course not significant for such a large market, but you can use it to get an idea what some of the retail traders are doing.
Most of them use similar strategies and a large majority of them is positioned wrong, so you want to notice when market positions is overly long or overly short.
COT Charts (based on the CFTC IMM report released every Friday):
Sites where you can get occasionally info about overall FX interbank positioning (from what I’ve figured out they derive it from various bank reports etc.):
Don’t forget to share, like, tweet, link or comment if you have enjoyed this order flow trading guide. شكر.
مجموعة الفوركس للتدريب.
The spot currency market is the largest financial market in the world transacting more than several trillion dollars of turnover every day. Every time you enter a trade into your online trading platform, an order is sent through, and electronically transacted.
In some cases, for larger customers, transactions are verbally negotiated. The main players that accept larger orders are the interbank market institutions. Brokers that facilitate individual transactions also have an order flow book. The flow of orders can be very valuable to a market maker or broker, as it describes the underlying momentum associated with the movements in a currency pair.
Forex order flow is driven by the interbank market which makes up approximately half of the notional value of trades that occur daily. Market participants in the interbank space include commercial and investment banks. Since most fx market liquidity is funneled through the interbank market, it is important to analyze how these players use order flow information to help make trading decisions.
Order flow in the forex market is driven by trades that flow through large financial institutions where counterparties range from other sell side players, to buy side customers which include both treasuries, central banks and portfolio managers. The orders that sell side players receive from customers relay important information. The information is so valuable that many times, a sell side player may not charge their customer for these trades in the form of commissions.
Most of the currency order flow trades through approximately 15 sell side financial institutions. These include some of the largest commercial banks, that have dedicated commercial forex desks including Chase, Citi and Bank of America.
What is Order Flow?
Financial institutions have thousands of clients globally who at some point might need to generate a currency transaction. Banks have investment banking and corporate finance clients who are cross sold, which can stretch across the forex environment. These companies will also be active in interest rates, commodities, equities market making.
The key to using order flow trading is to determine market depth. This describes the exchange rates where customers want to transact. The order flow is like a list of trades that will take place as the market moves. Since many of a bank’s corporate clients are relatively price indifferent and not trying to extract every pip from the market, they will leave their dealer a level where they feel comfortable executing their trade. This is a limit order, but can also be a stop order if the client is attempting to enter a trade on a break out.
Trading order flow allows a dealer to see the specific price where a trade will hit the market along with the volume of that trade. This information is extremely valuable and allows a dealer to generate substantial revenue by using this information to trade.
The dealers order flow would show each level where a transaction could take place along with what is on each side of the ledger. The size of each trade is listed along with the volume of trades. Each order flow book is different and shows you the volume along with the price. For example, the EUR/USD trader would have a different order flow book then the USD/JPY trader.
Most dealers use their order books to their advantage or their situation. Obviously, there will be a range of trades that a dealer will see within the forex institutional order flow. This does not mean that a trader can front run a trade, as the customer nearly always has the option of canceling the trade if the exchange rate has not reached the trigger level.
So, if a dealer decided they want to short the EUR/USD currency pair 5 pips before a trigger is reached to sell a large volume of that currency, and the order is canceled just before the level is reached, the dealer might be stuck in a trade that is moving in the wrong direction.
An order book will generally see large volume trades further away from the spot price and many smaller volume trades near the currency spot price. Many times, a sell side dealer will base some of their risk management around their order book. For example, if there are large sell orders above the current exchange rate, a dealer could use those levels as potential resistance.
Many traders will use forex order flow analysis to help with the direction of their traders and confirmation that the market is moving in a specific direction. If there is order flow in the direction of a move as the market is technically breaking out, a dealer could jump on to a trade that is moving.
For example using the image above, if a dealer has a hedge fund client that has a buy stop order to purchase a large quantity of USD/JPY at the 113.90 level, the dealer could purchase more volume than they need to cover their position. So, if the client is looking to purchase 30 million dollars of USD/JPY, the dealer might purchase 40 million, and catch the move higher as prices technically break out.
While the order flow book is extremely valuable, there will be times when it will not work as customers are aware of how an order flow can benefit a dealer. A hedge fund might decide to enter a position with one dealer and exit that position with another. While these scenarios might incur additional credit use, it can be unwound a few days later, making it so neither dealer understands exactly what their customer was doing.
Sell side dealers understand how to use order flow, and the difference between using an orderbook when the market is moving and using it when it’s unlikely to move. For example, is a bank does a large trade with a corporate treasurer, they understand that the trade was not geared to generate revenue.
Dealers will at times have overlapping order flow as a customer decides to trade in a cross pair. While dealers have cross pair trades, most of the liquidity is in the major currency pairs. For this reason, a EUR/USD trader might have an offsetting dollar trade to the USD/JPY trader. In this instance, it is important that traders within the same sell side shop communicate their order flow to one another.
Most sell side financial corporations that deal in the forex markets have a couple of dealers per location per currency pair. There is usually a primary and secondary dealer. Most of the time the order book is passed around the globe. For currencies that are generally only liquid in a specific time zone the order book is generally not passed.
Forex dealers attempt to capture gains by purchasing a currency pair on the bid and selling the pair on the offer. This allows the dealer to capture the bid/offer spread. For currency pairs that are very liquid such as the EUR/USD the bid offer spread could be a narrow as half of a pip, while on some exotic currency pairs the bid offer spread could be even 20 pips wide.
Gauging Sentiment Using Volume.
The volume of order flow is difficult to gauge if you are not a currency dealer. Most dealers have access to over the counter dealing platforms such as Electronic Broking Services (EBS) and Thomson Reuters Dealing.
This allows them to create internal order flow indicators. If you are a retail client you will not be able to evaluate this order flow process but can find a different mechanism for gauging flow. Currency market volume is hard to measure, but you can measure the volume seen in futures and ETFs as well as the options on these products.
Volume Using Futures Contracts.
Volume in the futures markets describes the total trading activity in a specific contract. Futures contracts on currency pairs can be very liquid and arbitraged by dealers to make sure their values are identical to the value in the OTC market. If the volume is increasing at a specific level and time, it can be used just as the dealer uses the deal flow. The difference is you cannot see it in advance, you must determine if the volume pushed a currency pair higher or halted its progress once the volume is transacted.
You can also use volume in tandem with open interest to measure sentiment. Open interest describes the total number of contracts that are open. This number is updated at the end of a trading session while volume is generally updated during a trading session. If volume is greater than open interest, you know the trade is new. If it is less than open interest it is hard to determine if the trade is new or an unwind of a position. Generally rising volume and rising open interest is a confirmation of a new position where rising volume and falling open interest is the liquidation of a prior position.
Options Volume.
You can also evaluate the options volume on both futures and ETF’s to see orders that have moved through the market and are generating momentum. When there is unusual activity in the options market, this could be the case. Unusual activity is described as more than 200% volume relative to the volume over the last 30-days, and the new volume is larger than the current open interest for the option. If this occurs as the market pushes through support or resistance, there is likely a chance that there was substantial order flow at a specific level.
Types of Markets Used with Order Flow.
The capital markets are an auction market and the forex market is the largest auction market in the world. Daily buyers and seller come to the market to exchange at the best bid and best offer available.
Each transaction that occurs, requires a buyer for every seller. When buyers lower their bid price and sellers lower their offering price for a transaction to take place, the price of the security in question must move lower. The opposite can be said when buyers raise their bid and sellers raise their offering price.
A market that is not an auction market is a negotiated market. In a negotiated market a broker would contact buyers and sellers and discuss with them buying and selling prices. You see this all the time in real-estate where you would typically need to have a broker find a seller to negotiate a sale.
In negotiated markets, which many times are opaque, it can be difficult to determine fair value. Order flow is less important in the short run to negotiated markets. Futures trading on the other hand, will provide traders with sufficient volume to determine a fair price. The auction itself can relay a world of information to you if you know how to interpret the information the auction is providing.
Consider this about a verbal auction; if the action is slow the auctioneer will be speaking slowly and his voice might be monotone. When the action heats up, the auctioneer will be speaking quickly and trying to generate additional interest. Futures markets are similar and when volume picks up, the market is telling you something.
It is impossible to know why some traders will buy a security at a price that is higher than fair value or sell lower, but understanding that it is possible to interpret fair value by analyzing the volume action of an auction market can enhance a trader’s ability to make informed decisions in the market.
Technical Volume Indicators.
There are a few technical volume indicators that can be used to help evaluate buying and selling pressure. The on-Balance Volume indicator is one of the best. The indicator is geared to using volume to find divergence patterns. For example, if prices are moving higher on weak volume, you will know that the move is not confirmed. The on-balance indicator is a running total of a periods volume.
Traders can also use volume as a momentum indicator to determine if the trend in volume is increasing or declining. For example, you can use a momentum volume indicator such as the percent volume oscillator which is like the moving average convergence divergence indicator but for volume.
This technical indicator is perfect for evaluating order flow when the market breaks out. A break out on strong volume is a confirmation of the breach of either support or resistance. Volume as a statistic is an important measure of how a security is performing. Changes in the direction of a security when accompanied by volume reflects a strong indication that the consensus believes in the change in price. When volume fails to accompany price changes, the movement is generally suspect. Volume indicators can help a trader with strategies as well as entering a trade at the most efficient price.
Order flow is a very important mechanism to use for both dealers and individual traders. While dealers have a forex order book of their orders and can see when a market is likely to move or stall, the market eventually reveals everything and can be captured by individual traders by evaluating volume.
Sell side dealers can use large orders to piggy back trades and therefore order flow is extremely valuable to a financial institution. A deal flow will also describe the size of a trade and the type of customer that entered the trade. Dealers are fully cognizant of the difference between orders from a hedge fund and orders from a treasurer. While a hedge fund is purely focused on generating revenue, the treasurer is more focused on a hedge. While it is difficult to evaluate FX order flow, volume in the currency futures, ETF and options markets can help a private trader gain valuable information about a dealer’s order flow.
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ملاحظاتك تهم!
it's nothing more than a variant of S/R trading - supposedly, there are buy stops above recent highs, so buy about 30 pips below that and close out in the area of the alleged stops. Same for sell stops.
الحصول على رمز القطعة.
الفوركس التعليقات والتصنيفات.
اختبارات أداء الفوركس.
فوركس ترادرس كورت.
تجارة الفوركس التعليم والمنتديات المجتمعية.
تقويم الفوركس والأدوات.
تداول العملات الأجنبية أو العقود مقابل الفروقات على النفوذ مرتفع المخاطر وقد تتجاوز خسائرك الودائع.
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